Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

[I453.Ebook] Ebook Free Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

Ebook Free Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

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Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

Ebook Free Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

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Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector

The seventh edition of this well-respected book continues to promote an awareness of the dimensions and complexities involved in caring for people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Completely revised and updated, it examines the differences existing within North America by probing the health care system and consumers, and examples of traditional health beliefs and practices among selected populations. An emphasis on the influences of recent social, political, and demographic changes helps to explore the issues and perceptions of health and illness today. An essential for any health-care professional, this book sets the standard for cultural perspectives.

  • Sales Rank: #276156 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Prentice Hall
  • Published on: 2008-07-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.97" h x .76" w x 6.01" l, 1.15 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 432 pages
  • Great product!

From the Back Cover

The seventh edition of this well-respected book continues to promote an awareness of the dimensions and complexities involved in caring for people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Completely revised and updated, it examines the differences existing within North America by probing the health care system and consumers, and examples of traditional health beliefs and practices among selected populations. An emphasis on the influences of recent social, political, and demographic changes helps to explore the issues and perceptions of health and illness today. An essential for any health-care professional, this book sets the standard for cultural perspectives.


  • Pocket Guide to Assessment and Health Tradition available online for downloading
  • Companion Website www.prenhall.com/spector with activities, test questions, and more
  • New Research on Culture feature depicting recent studies related to cultural competence
  • New photographs displaying examples and icons of various cultures
  • New learning outcomes at the beginning of every chapter
  • Expanded content on the influence of spirituality and religion on health in cultural contexts
  • Updated chapter on the health care delivery system including discussions of barriers and alternatives
  • Demographic background discussion of each of the U.S. Census Bureau's categories of the population for a statistical overview of the diversity of patient populations

About the Author

Dr. Rachel E. Spector has been a student of culturally diverse HEALTH and ILLNESS beliefs and practices for 35 years and has researched and taught courses on culture and HEALTH care for the same time span. Dr. Spector has had the opportunity to work in many different communities, including the American Indian and Hispanic communities in Boston, Massachusetts. Her studies have taken her to many places: most of the United States, Canada, and Mexico; several European countries, including Denmark, England, Finland, Iceland, Italy, France, Russia, Spain, and Switzerland; Israel and Pakistan; and Australia and New Zealand. She was fortunate enough to collect traditional amulets and remedies from many of these diverse communities and to meet practitioners of traditional HEALTH care in several places. She was instrumental in the creation and presentation of the exhibit “Immigrant HEALTH Traditions” at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, May 1994 through January 1995. She and has exhibited HEALTH-related objects in several other settings. Recently, she served as a Colaboradora Honorifica (Honorary Collaborator) in the University of Alicante in Alicante, Spain, and Tamulipus, Mexico. In 2006, she was a Lady Davis Fellow in the Henrietta Zold-Hadassah Hebrew University School of Nursing in Jerusalem, Israel. This text was translated into Spanish by Maria Munoz and published in Madrid by Prentice Hall as Las Culturas de la SALUD in 2003. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and a Scholar in Transcultural Nursing Society. The Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses, the state organization of the American Nurses’ Association, honored her as a “Living Legend” in 2007. In 2008 she was recognized by the American Nurses’ Association for her work in Human Rights.

Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

You don't need a masterpiece to get the idea.
– Pablo Picasso

In 1977 I wrote the first edition of Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness and have revised it several times since then; this is the sixth edition. The purpose of each edition has been to increase the reader's awareness of the dimensions and complexities involved in caring for people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I wished to share my personal experiences and thoughts concerning the introduction of cultural concepts into the education of health care professionals. The books represented my answers to the questions:

  • "How does one effectively expose a student to cultural diversity?"
  • "How does one examine health care issues and perceptions from a broad social viewpoint?"

As I had done in the classroom, I attempted to bring the reader into direct contact with the interaction between providers of care within the North American health care system and the consumers of health care. The staggering issues of health care delivery are explored and contrasted with the choices that people may make in attempting to deal with health care issues.

It is now imperative, according to the most recent policies of the Joint Commission of Hospital Accreditation and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, that all health care providers be culturally competent. In this context, cultural competence implies that within the delivery of care the health care provider understands and attends to the total context of the patient's situation; it is a complex combination of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Yet,

  • How do you really inspire people to hear the content?
  • How do you motivate providers to see the worldview and lived experience of the patient? How do you assist providers to really bear witness to the living conditions and life ways of patients?
  • How do you liberate providers from the burdens of prejudice, xenophobia, the "isms"—racism, ethnocentrism—and the "antis"?

It can be argued that the development of cultural competency does not occur in a short encounter with cultural diversity; but that it takes time to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to safely and satisfactorily deliver CulturalCare.

  • Free Companion Web site at www.prenhall.com/spector with activities, fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice questions, web links, and more.
  • Online Course Management Systems. Also available are online companions for schools using course management systems. For more information about adopting an online course management system to accompany Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness, Sixth Edition please contact your Prentice Hall Health Sales Representative www.prenhall.com/mischtm/rep-locator-fr.html or go to the appropriate websites at cms.prenhall.com/webct/index.html or cms.prenhall.com/blackboard/index.html or cms.prenhall.com/coursecompass
  • Health Traditions Imagery. This edition of the book uses symbolic images to create the linkages from chapter to chapter. The HEALTH (HEALTH, when written this way, is defined as the balance of the person, both within one's being-physical, mental, spiritual-and in the outside world-natural, familial and communal, metaphysical) images were selected to awaken you to the richness of a given heritage and the HEALTH/health beliefs, and practices inherent within both modern and traditional cultures.
  • Guidelines for Developing Cultural Competency. A "map" that passes from broad and general dimensions of health and illness to specific images of traditional HEALTH beliefs and practices; at the personal level, the modern health care delivery level, and within traditional dimensions.
  • Three developmental dimensions:
  • Cultural Foundations—an overview of cultural heritage and history that serves to illustrate the underlying concepts inherent in the diversity within our society, and basic elements of health and illness.
  • Domains of HEALTH—the worlds of the provider and patient as reflected in broad and general HEALTH and HEALING from a personal perspective to the perspectives of socialization into the allopathic philosophy and health care delivery system.
  • Panoramas of HEALTH—the worlds of traditional HEALTH beliefs and practices among selected populations.
  • Historical Perspectives. An overview of historic sociocultural, public health, and health policy events and medical milestones from 1900 to 2003.

Unit I focuses on the background knowledge one must recognize as the foundation for developing cultural competency.

  • Chapter 1 explores the concept of cultural heritage and history and the roles they play in one's perception of health and illness. This exploration is first outlined in general terms: What is culture? How is it transmitted? What is ethnicity? What is religion? How do they affect a given person's health? What major sociocultural events occurred during the life trajectory of a given person that may influence their personal health beliefs and practices?
  • Chapter 2 presents a discussion of the diversity—demographic, immigration, and poverty—that impacts on the delivery of and access to health care. The backgrounds of each of the U.S. Census Bureau's categories of the population, an overview of immigration, and an overview of issues relevant to poverty are presented.
  • Chapter 3 reviews the provider's knowledge of his or her own perceptions, needs, and understanding of health and illness.

Unit II explores the domains of HEALTH, blends them with one's personal heritage, and contrasts them with allopathic philosophy.

  • Chapter 4 introduces the concept of HEALTH and develops the concept in broad and general terms. The HEALTH Traditions Model is presented, as are natural methods of HEALTH restoration.
  • Chapter 5 explores the concept of HEALING and the role that faith plays in the context of HEALING, or magico-religious, traditions. This is an increasingly important issue, which is evolving to a point where the health care provider must have some understanding of this phenomenon.
  • Chapter 6 discusses family heritage and explores personal and familial HEALTH traditions. It includes an array of familial health beliefs and practices shared by people from many different heritages.
  • Chapter 7 focuses on the allopathic health care delivery system and the health care provider culture.

Once the study of each of these components has been completed, Unit III moves on to explore selected population groups in more detail, to portray a panorama of traditional HEALTH and ILLNESS beliefs and practices, and present relevant health care issues.

These pages can neither do full justice to the richness of any one culture nor any one health-belief system. By presenting some of the beliefs and practices and suggesting background reading, however, the book can begin to inform and sensitize the reader to the needs of a given group of people. It can also serve as a model as to how to develop cultural knowledge in populations that are not included.

The Epilogue is devoted to an overall analysis of the book's contents and how best to apply this knowledge in health care delivery, health planning, and health education, for both the patient and the health care professional.

There is so much to be learned. Countless books and articles have now appeared that address these problems and issues. It is not easy to alter attitudes and beliefs or stereotypes and prejudices. Some social psychologists state that it is almost impossible to lose all of one's prejudices, yet alterations can be made. I believe the health care provider must develop the ability to deliver CulturalCare and a sensitivity to personal fundamental values regarding health and illness. With acceptance of one's own values comes the framework and courage to accept the existence of differing values. This process of realization and acceptance can enable the health care provider to be instrumental in meeting the needs of the consumer in a collaborative, safe, and professional manner.

The first edition of this book was the outcome of a promesa—a promise—once made. The promise was made to a group of Black and Hispanic students I taught in a medical sociology course in 1973. In this course, the students wound up being the teachers, and they taught me to see the world of health care delivery through the eyes of the health care consumer rather than through my own well-intentioned eyes. What I came to see I did not always like. I did not realize how much I did not know; I believed I knew a lot. I have held on to the promesa, and my experiences over the years have been incredible. I have met people and traveled. At all times I have held on to the idea and goal of attempting to help nurses and other providers be aware of and sensitive to the beliefs and needs of their patients.

I know that looking inside closed doors carries with it a risk. I know that people prefer to think that our society is a melting pot and that old beliefs and practices have vanished with an expected assimilation into mainstream North American life. Many people, however, have continued to carry on the traditional customs and culture from their native lands, and health and illness beliefs are deeply entwined within the cultural and social beliefs that people have. To understand health and illness beliefs and practices, it is necessary to see each person in his or her unique sociocultural world.

The shattering events of September 11, 2001, represent in many ways the clarion call for all of us to wake up and hear and listen to the voices of all people. Indeed, the events are symptomatic of Global Polarization in such conflicts as:

  • Traditionalism vs. Modernism...

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Could have been better.
By T. Vidal
Too much opinion in this book.

73 of 83 people found the following review helpful.
Not a good resource for this important area of inquiry
By Monte Abbott
This review updated by author on March 21, 2006:

I recently (Spring 2005) used this text in an undergraduate health professions course titled "Diversity in Health and Illness". The author addresses a broad scope of cultures, issues and responses to cultural needs in health care. Although the book contains much that is useful, my students found it to be, on balance, confusing and disorganized.

I believe much of this response can be attributed to poor editing. We identified numerous spelling and grammar errors throughout. Poorly edited content is also evident in several chapters. Example: "...this chapter has introduced the dominant culture's perception of health and illness through countless lenses" (pp. 67). Similarly, "...countless letters are displayed attesting to the healing powers of this statue" (pp. 106). Isn't there a more accurate word to use in place of `countless'? More importantly, ethnic and race labels are not used consistently. "Hispanic" and "Latino" are used as though they are strictly interchangeable; ditto for "Black" and "African American." Term consistency would enhance clarity.

My concerns with the text are more fundamental and numerous but I will limit myself to a few examples:

Although the text is heavily laden with descriptive statistics, comparative data is often not included, thus limiting interpretations. For example, the discussion of rising expenditures for unconventional therapies in the U.S. (pp. 96) includes expenditure estimates for 1990 and 1997. Without companion statistics for conventional therapy expenditures, readers are unable to asses the magnitude of the trend. Similarly, the description of the African American population as young (54.4% are under 18 - pp. 233) is not very enlightening in the absence of corresponding percentages for the white population and the overall American population. Figure 10-3 adds little additional information.

References for culture group descriptions are often either very old (1950's - 1970's), not the definitive works, or are not sufficiently academic (encyclopedias and web pages), and should be replaced with citations for newer research reported in more rigorous formats. Several important sections contain insufficient or no reference citations. The "Health/HEALTH Care Choices" section (pp. 85) contains numerous historical claims but only a single reference to the American Heritage Dictionary.

Some of the sociological and anthropological concepts presented do not represent current theoretical stances. I was especially interested in exploring citations for the "Cycle of Poverty" discussion in Chapter 2, as this blame-the-victim concept has fallen out of favor in sociological circles because it ignores structural realities that are beyond the control of individuals. This conflation of structural problems with cultural phenomena inadvertently creates a situation where the subtle racist beliefs we all learn through our socialization is reinforced in the classroom. Sadly, the only citation provided in this section, (Spector 1979, pp. 148-152), refers to an earlier edition of this book. Original references should be provided.

The Chapter 3 discussion of the sick role is limited to functionalist models presented by Talcott Parsons (1966) and Edward Suchman (1965). As our society ages we are experiencing increasing levels of chronic illness and more patients cannot expect to fully recover. More recent examinations of the illness experience would be appropriate.

The discussion of historical background for Native American cultures (pp. 186-188) is particularly dismal. While somewhat correct in broad outlines, the text reads like a less-than-distinguished freshman research paper, and includes various repeats. The discussion of traditional health beliefs and practices is limited to those of the Navajo and Hopi - important southwestern groups - but not representative of all Native Americans. Sources cited are limited to a few 1960's and 1970's references. Strains of the Noble Savage are also evident, particularly with reference to the discussion of "True Indian love" and domestic violence (pp. 200).

The role of voodoo in African American traditions is somewhat overstated (Chapter 10), and is presented as an explanation for present-day underutilization of the allopathic system (pp. 239). At the same time, more realistic explanations are omitted. Chief among those are the disproportionate poverty experienced by the community as well as recent and historical sources of distrust between the African Americans and the largely white medical establishment (e.g., antebellum forced medical experimentation, Tuskegee Experiment, Holmesburg Prison Experiments).

My graduate degree is in anthropology, and although I expected some level of disconnect between my training and the nursing orientation of Spector, I found myself admonishing my students several times over to ignore specific passages and sections in this text as irrelevant or just plain wrong.

For example, in the section titled "Cultural Phenomena Affecting Health", in Chapter 1, subheadings include "Biological Variations" and "Social Organization". Confusion between biology and culture appears in other places as well, and was especially troublesome for my students with their limited previous exposure to the concept of culture.

The "Social Organization" subheading precedes a disjointed (but brief) discussion of childhood socialization, family organization, and barriers to health care access. Perhaps the first two could be combined in a section "Socialization". Regarding the barriers to health care access (e.g., unemployment, poverty and lack of health insurance), these could be better characterized as economic barriers rather than social barriers. Diminished economic resources are correlated to large extent with particular demographic groups, but one should avoid essentializing the availability of resources as a series of ethnic or cultural traits. Conceptualizing these issues as cultural phenomena obscures the contributions of racism, xenophobia, and unequal distribution of wealth to the problems of unequal access. Spector draws these categories from a previously published article, and the uncritical use of other people's published materials is apparent throughout the book.

Spector's background is nursing, and on balance, I am not sure that this provides one with the appropriate skills necessary to summarize the fundamentals of culture and cultural diversity. Theorising culture and society is (and should remain) the domain of anthropologists and sociologists (and perhaps psychologists). Like nursing and most other applied and academic fields of inquiry, understanding culture requires a great deal of specialized education.

On my initial reading I suspected a functionalist interpretation of the intersection between health care and culture, but on further examination this book is more like an online encyclopedia where everything (including the kitchen sink) is thrown in. What is missing is a critical evaluation of the usefulness and theoretical implications of others' data and interpretations. The result is conflicting content and a great deal of confusion.

A final example: Spector rejects the WHO health definition but does not suggest a better alternative. Instead she seems to think that health is indefinable: "I would define health as an undefined term" (pp. 50). I agree that students should maintain an open mind, but perhaps a series of limited definitions addressing a variety of situations would be more useful in the classroom. Social science practitioners and researchers struggle with variability in human behavior as a matter of course, but that struggle is mitigated through a realization that definitions are often necessary heuristic devices rather than complete summaries. Put simply, if we can't know a thing, aren't we just wasting our time?

I have reviewed a number of alternate texts over the past year and have found the problems discussed here to be present in several other texts. Perhaps the academic pursuit of cultural care is still in its nascent stage.

In any case, I have found "Culture in Rehabilitation: from Competency to Proficiency" edited by Royeen and Crabtree (Pearson 2006) to be a much better text for my class. The authors represent a variety of health professions and the text was reviewed by a similarly diverse panel of ten. Most of the contributions present robust bibliographies, rely on up-to-date social science research, and avoid the culture-as-checklist approach. I will review the text in detail sometime in May 2006.

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
limited information on specific cultures
By SmarterTHANyourAVGbear
There is some interesting information on health and illness in the first half of this book, but the cultural evaluations in the second half of the book are lacking depth. The book places too much emphasis on race and too little emphasis on ethnicity. If you are looking for a book on health and wellness this may be useful, but if you want to study cultural diversity, this may not work for you. The book is definitely missing many key cultures.

Example 1: In Chapter 12, the chapter on Hispanic populations, there is a table listing the 8 regions where people identify themselves as Hispanic and the corresponding percentages of the US Hispanic population made up by each of these groups. Only two of these cultures, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, are discussed in any depth. This oversight excludes all of the Hispanics from Central America, South America, and other smaller Hispanic populations. It does make sense to review the Mexican Culture because that culture represents the largest portion of our Hispanic population in the US. However, Central Americans make up the 2nd largest % of the US Hispanic population, whereas the Puerto Ricans make up only 9.2% of the US Hispanic population. The arbitrary inclusion and exclusion of specific cultures may raise some concern.

Example 2: In Chapter 13, the chapter on White populations, there is a table listing only 7 of the countries where people identify themselves as white and the corresponding percentages of the US white population made up by each of these groups. There are many countries with substantial populations in the US that are absent from this break down. Furthermore, only two of the 7 selected white cultures, German and Polish, are discussed in any depth (3 cultures from the list that make up significantly larger percentages of the US population than the Polish are not detailed in the chapter.

Example 3: Chapter 10, the chapter on Asian Populations, talks exclusively about the Chinese with the exception of Box 10-1 which is an overview of Ayurveda (Hindu/East Indian medicine). At least, the author explains this oversimplification by stating that most Asian cultures derive their beliefs and practices from the Chinese and Ayurvedic health practices.

Example 4: Chapter 11 is about 'Black Populations' and there is no mention of the cultural divide between those African Americans who are recent (voluntary) immigrants and those whose families have been in the United States for hundreds of years. In fact, other than a few sentences giving population statistics there is no divide between people from various countries (Haiti vs. Nigeria or Jamaica vs. Ethiopia).

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Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector PDF

Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector PDF
Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (7th Edition), by Rachel E. Spector PDF

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

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The Hope Slide / Little Sister, by Joan MacLeod

Two plays by award-winning playwright Joan MacLeod. Little Sister was first performed at Theatre Direct in Toronto in 1994 and won the Chalmers Canadian Play Award, Theatre for Young Audiences in 1995. The Hope Slide was first performed at the Tarragon Theatre in Toronto in 1992 and won the Floyd S. Chalmers Canadian Play Award in 1993.

  • Sales Rank: #4042457 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Talonbooks
  • Published on: 1999-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.41" h x .42" w x 5.44" l, .38 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"A gripping portrait of one woman's search for meaning in the face of disillusionment and despair."

About the Author
Joan MacLeod
Multiple Betty Mitchell, Chalmer’s, Dora and Governor General’s Award-winning author Joan MacLeod grew up in North Vancouver.

Now an internationally celebrated star of the world of the theatre, MacLeod developed her finely honed playwriting skills during seven seasons as playwright-in-residence at the Tarragon Theatre in Toronto, and turned her hand to opera with her libretto for The Secret Garden, which won a Dora Award.

In 1991, her play Amigo’s Blue Guitar won the Governor General’s Drama Award.

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Trusted Computing for Embedded SystemsFrom Springer

This book describes the state-of-the-art in trusted computing for embedded systems. It shows how a variety of security and trusted computing problems are addressed currently and what solutions are expected to emerge in the coming years. The discussion focuses on attacks aimed at hardware and software for embedded systems, and the authors describe specific solutions to create security features. Case studies are used to present new techniques designed as industrial security solutions. Coverage includes development of tamper resistant hardware and firmware mechanisms for lightweight embedded devices, as well as those serving as security anchors for embedded platforms required by applications such as smart power grids, smart networked and home appliances, environmental and infrastructure sensor networks, etc.

��������� Enables readers to address a variety of security threats to embedded hardware and software;

��������� Describes design of secure wireless sensor networks, to address secure authentication of trusted portable devices for embedded systems;

��������� Presents secure solutions for the design of smart-grid applications and their deployment in large-scale networked and systems.

  • Sales Rank: #2698669 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-12-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .75" w x 6.14" l, 1.40 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 299 pages

From the Back Cover

This book describes the state-of-the-art in trusted computing for embedded systems. It shows how a variety of security and trusted computing problems are addressed currently and what solutions are expected to emerge in the coming years. The discussion focuses on attacks aimed at hardware and software for embedded systems, and the authors describe specific solutions to create security features. Case studies are used to present new techniques designed as industrial security solutions. Coverage includes development of tamper resistant hardware and firmware mechanisms for lightweight embedded devices, as well as those serving as security anchors for embedded platforms required by applications such as smart power grids, smart networked and home appliances, environmental and infrastructure sensor networks, etc.

��������� Enables readers to address a variety of security threats to embedded hardware and software;

��������� Describes design of secure wireless sensor networks, to address secure authentication of trusted portable devices for embedded systems;

��������� Presents secure solutions for the design of smart-grid applications and their deployment in large-scale networked and systems.

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Trusted Computing for Embedded SystemsFrom Springer PDF

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

[U928.Ebook] PDF Download Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Book & Navigate 2 Essentials Access), by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeo

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Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Book & Navigate 2 Essentials Access), by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeo

Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Book & Navigate 2 Essentials Access), by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeo

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Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Book & Navigate 2 Essentials Access), by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeo

In 1971, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) published the first edition of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured and laid the foundation of EMS training. Today, the Eleventh Edition transforms how EMS education is delivered throughout the world and helps develop world-class EMS providers around the globe. Based on the National EMS Education Standards and the 2015 CPR/ECC Guidelines, the Eleventh Edition offers complete coverage of every competency statement with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures students’ comprehension and encourages critical thinking. New cognitive and didactic material is presented, along with new skills and features, to create a robust and innovative EMT training solution. Today, the AAOS suite of EMS educational resources, from first aid and CPR to critical care transport, is the gold standard in training programs by offering exceptional content and instructional resources that meet the diverse needs of today’s educators and students. Current State-of-the-Art Medical Content The Eleventh Edition aligns with current medical standards―from PHTLS to NASEMSO―and incorporates evidence-based medical concepts to ensure students and instructors have accurate, insightful interpretation of medical science as it applies to prehospital medicine today. Application to Real-World EMS Through evolving patient case studies in each chapter, the Eleventh Edition gives students real-world context to apply the knowledge gained in the chapter, clarifying how the information is used to care for patients in the field, and pushing students to engage in critical thinking and discussion. A Foundation for Life The Eleventh Edition is built on the premise that students need a solid foundation in the basics and then appropriate reinforcement. The Eleventh Edition provides students with a comprehensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and medical terminology. Concepts are briefly reviewed within related subsequent chapters, solidifying the foundational knowledge and offering a context when studying specific emergencies. Patient Assessment, a critical topic, is presented as a single, comprehensive chapter, to ensure students understand patient assessment as a single, integrated process―the way providers actually practice it in the field. Core concepts of Patient Assessment are reinforced in clinical chapters, where the unique aspects of the illness or injury are highlighted.

  • Sales Rank: #2403 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-03-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 2.20" h x 8.50" w x 10.80" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 1582 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
The book itself is fine however, the title explicitly states that the Kindle ...
By Jack
The book itself is fine however, the title explicitly states that the Kindle version comes with an access code to the Navigate 2 Essentials site. After extensively searching the book and contacting Amazon I was informed that the Kindle version does not have an access code despite falsely being advertised and sold with the impression that this would be included. If you buy the Kindle version just be aware that you will not gain access to the Navigate 2 Essentials site and will have to find an alternate means to an access code.

14 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Only receive 1/2 of what it promises
By Amy
This is an excellent textbook and I recommend it. Unfortunately I could not give this 5 stars due to the fact that it misrepresents itself. The Navigate 2 Essentials Access is NOT accessible. If it does exist then it is not easily found. I have went through the book and searched my emails after the purchase and there has been nothing. I feel cheated since this product was not all that it promised. If this actually does offer the Navigate 2 access then it should be easy to access and find. Also, in the kindle version you are not able to magnify the charts and tables if you would life to see them more clearly.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
This is not the product it was depicting to be ...
By Khaylea
This is not the product it was depicting to be. There are two different books and this is most definitely not the right one, though it doesn't show. Now I am out the money for a book that isn't right.

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Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Book & Navigate 2 Essentials Access), by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeo PDF
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Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

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  • Sales Rank: #2367097 in Books
  • Published on: 1994
  • Binding: Paperback

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  • Published on: 1605
  • Binding: Paperback

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Russia's First Civil War: The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty Paperback January 1, 2001, by Chester S. L. Dunning PDF
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Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

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Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi

Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em is a sensation in poker publishing. Renowned poker professional and author Jonathan Little brings together 17 of the greatest no-limit experts in the world to discuss all aspects of the game. These experts include superstars such as Phil Hellmuth, Chris Moneymaker, Mike Sexton and Jared Tendler.

In Part 1 strategies are analysed for topics such as understanding the fundamentals, satellite play, lower-buy in events, analysing tells and moving up in stakes

Part 2 sees a thorough technical breakdown of the game including sections on range analysis, game theory optimal play, short stack strategies, value betting and final table play.

As any serious poker will confirm, the technical side is only half the battle and so Part 3 deals with mental toughness, psychology and understanding tilt.

Excelling at No-Limit Hold‘em provides all the tools that an aspiring player needs to understand no-limit hold‘em. It is a must buy for anyone who is serious about wanting to improve their poker.

  • Sales Rank: #69932 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-25
  • Released on: 2015-06-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook

This is the best poker book to come out in a long time, and I imagine it will remain the best poker book to come out for many years to come. (Bradley Chalupski PokerUpdate, July 2015)

As Scott Clements notes in his chapter, 'Regardless of your comfort zone or your results, if you refuse to push your boundaries, you will not progress and grow as a player.' By offering such a variety of quality instruction and insight, Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em gives readers several ways to do just that ― namely, to push their boundaries and think further about many different facets of hold'em as a means to improve their games. (Martin Harris PokerNews, June 2015)

When someone who is interested in studying poker more asks which poker book they should purchase, the answer is usually a mixture of Super System for the complete basics, and Harrington on Hold'em for further more up-to-date clarifications. However, it is my belief that Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em could become the new go-to book for those wishing to read up on tournament poker...Jonathan Little should be commended for bringing such a talented group of individuals together for what is an outstanding poker book. (Will Shillibier Backdoorquads.com, June 2015)

About the Author
The book has 18 authors in total:
JONATHAN LITTLE - has won two WPT events and final tabled two others, earning him the Season 6 Player of the Year award. He has total earnings in excess of $5 million. In 2013, he cashed five times in the WSOP, including a 3rd place finish. He has cashed over 20 times at the WSOP. Jonathan is also a poker coach and runs the website floattheturn.com.
PHIL HELLMUTH - Hellmuth is the all-time World Series of Poker bracelet leader with 13 and has won over $16 million playing poker.
MIKE SEXTON - is the main commentator of the World Poker Tour and has written for many leading poker magazines including Card Player and Gambling Times. He is known as, 'The Ambassador of Poker'
OLIVIER BUSQUET - Over $6 million in winnings
CHRIS MONEYMAKER - Won the WSOP Main Event in 2003
LIV BOEREE - Winner of an EPT main event and over $2.5million in winnings
JARED TENDLER - is the leading expert in the mental game of poker. He has worked with players from 38 countries as well as thousands more through online training videos and forums

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
I was pleasantly surprised and feel that this book is a great addition to players who wish to improve their game
By bc
I was a bit skeptical of this book at first as I didn't think it would have anything new to offer that isn't already in other books, and being a compilation of several authors I thought the book would not have a consistent level of quality. I was pleasantly surprised and feel that this book is a great addition to players who wish to improve their game.

My favorite chapter so far is the one by Alex Fitzgerald on hand ranges. It starts with one of the best explanations of the ICM model and why you should care about it in tournaments. Then Alex goes on to explain how to do the maths to determine if a particular bet is profitable given the situation and player range for the particular hand. I'll be reading this chapter several times / and follow the practice exercises he suggests with getting used to popular software packages like flopzilla. If you read only this chapter and applied its lessons you will become a better player guaranteed.

The chapter with Phil and Liv is interesting in that it shows how two different styles (old school feel / experience vs. new school math / range analysis) can both be successful.

The chapter by Evan Jarvis is a good summary of some of his lessons and ideas from his youtube videos and website. Nice concise chapter.

My least favorite chapter is the one by Chris Moneymaker. The chapter didn't seem to add anything new in terms of ideas or technique that any player with more than a year's experience at tournaments doesn't already know.

All in all a very good book with material that captures some of the latest poker experts ideas into one convenient place.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
As someone who reads pretty well every poker book available
By Steve Baker
As someone who reads pretty well every poker book available, I can honestly say this is a must read. The cast list is first rate and the breadth of topics covered comprehensive. For sure, you may want to follow up some themes with more detailed study but as a point of departure for the full range of NLHE formats and skill sets (technical and mental) this is excellent.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Great book!
This book is a fine collection of topics from top players across the poker circuit. It is a not a beginners book, and you must be a competent player to understand parts of the book. Several chapters were outstanding, a few not so much. Moneymaker and Miller's chapters are straightforward and I highlighted several sections to reread, as well as other sections in the poker strategy first part of the book. The 2nd part, the technical game was probably the best sections as Fitzgerald, Hellmuth,Boeree, Little, and Busquet hit a home run explain numerous hands and aspects of the game at the upper levels of tournaments. Tipton, goes into a optimal strategies and is very confusing overall. The mental game section as the last part of the book is a great overall talk on mental prep., getting rid tilt, and hypnotherapy. I only had a tilt issue early on, and this confirmed my approach to all tournaments as Little always says, If your ahead most of the time getting your money in good, you will eventually come out ahead in the war, maybe not in the immediate battle. I highly recommend this book, especially if you plan on moving up to bigger events, a great perspective from some of the pro's playing poker.

See all 114 customer reviews...

Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi PDF
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi EPub
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi Doc
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi iBooks
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi rtf
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi Mobipocket
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi Kindle

Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi PDF

Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi PDF

Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi PDF
Jonathan Little's Excelling at No-Limit Hold'em: Leading poker experts discuss how to study, play and master NLHE, by Jonathan Little, Phi PDF

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

[F103.Ebook] Download The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

Download The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

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The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

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The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth

Guaranteed to help parents reclaim sweet dreams for their entire family

New from the bestselling author of the classic baby sleep guide!

Getting babies to sleep through the night is one thing; getting willful toddlers and energetic preschoolers to sleep is another problem altogether. Written to help sleep-deprived parents of children ages one to five, The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers offers loving solutions to help this active age-group get the rest they--and their parents--so desperately need.

A follow-up to Elizabeth Pantley's megahit The No-Cry Sleep Solution, this breakthrough guide is written in Pantley's trademark gentle, child-centered style. Parents will discover a wellspring of positive approaches to help their children get to bed, stay in bed, and sleep all night, without having to resort to punishments or other negative and ineffective measures. The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers tackles many common nighttime obstacles, including:

  • Refusals to go to bed
  • Night waking and early rising
  • Reluctance to move out of the crib and into a big-kid bed
  • Nighttime visits to the parents' bed
  • Naptime problems
  • Nightmares, "night terrors," and fears
  • Special sleep issues of twins, special needs children, and adopted children
  • Sleepwalking, sleep talking, snoring, and tooth grinding

  • Sales Rank: #15815 in Books
  • Brand: Pantley, Elizabeth
  • Published on: 2005-05-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.30" h x .94" w x 5.40" l, 1.04 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 396 pages

"In this excellent companion to her parenting classic, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, Pantley debunks the myths about children and sleep. She provides a plethora of examples about how perfectly natural it is for children to have sleep issues. However, parents will be thrilled to hear that just because something is normal doesn't mean they have to live with it. She addresses problems and solutions for a wide variety of sleep-related issues. This is hope condensed for the tired parent; essential for all public libraries."~�Kari Ramstrom, MLIS, starred review, The Library Journal

From the Author
My previous sleep book, and the predecessor to this one, is�The No-Cry Sleep Solution. It provides answers to better sleep for �children from the day of birth through toddlerhood. My youngest �child was a very frequent night-waking, all-night breastfeeding-baby. My experience learning how to help him sleep all night was the incentive for me to write my first no-cry sleep book. Since then, I have corresponded with tens of �thousands of parents, and I have expanded my research up through the preschool years to bring you this edition of The No-Cry Sleep Solution.

Because the magic of children is that they are all very different from one another, and that they are unique in their transitions from one stage of growth to the next, this edition of�The No-Cry Sleep Solution�crosses paths with the first for that in-between stage from baby to toddler. It then moves forward through the preschool years, and for many children, into the primary grades as well.
I hope to guide you along a gentle, peaceful journey to good sleep for everyone in your family.

From the Back Cover

"A good night's sleep is within reach. Let the great ideas in this book guide you and your child there . . . lovingly."
--Harvey Karp, M.D., author of The Happiest Toddler on the Block

Your toddler isn't sleeping through the night. Your preschooler battles bedtime. And you haven't had a good night's sleep in how many years? Get the rest you all desperately need with advice found in The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

Elizabeth Pantley's beloved parenting classic The No-Cry Sleep Solution has helped hundreds of thousands of parents gently coax their babies to sleep. Now she gives you tools to help your one- to six-year-old child get in bed, stay in bed, and sleep all night by providing no-cry solutions for

  • Bedtime battles, dawdling, and evening meltdowns
  • Night waking and early rising
  • Moving out of the crib and into a big-kid bed
  • Graduating from the family bed to independent sleep
  • Ending the all-night breastfeeding routine
  • Stopping nighttime visits to your bed
  • Handling naptime problems
  • Nightmares, separation anxiety, and fears

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A lot of suggestions
By Amanda Nicholas
I have a 14 month who is considered a toddler at that age. I thought the book would address her, but she doesn't fit into too many of the suggestions yet because she can't talk and is still learning a lot. I did like that the book offered a lot of suggestions, which I did not realize suggestions would be the answer. I was expecting a plan, but the suggestions so you can tailor your own plan actually makes sense. I was looking for an easy answer like a dope!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Got for my daughter to read for my grandchild. ...
By Charlyn20
Got for my daughter to read for my grandchild. She tried some of the methods and not sure how well they work for all children, but it depends on the child and why they cry when you try to leave them when putting to bed.

11 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
An Outstanding Resource for Tired Parents Everywhere!
By Kelly
Elizabeth Pantley has done it again! This is a truly outstanding book just PACKED with great ideas on how to get your toddler or preschooler to sleep well!

The author goes over what healthy toddler and preschooler sleep should be [for those of us who've never seen it yet in our children and have no clue what that looks like! :) ] She then gives detailed and very helpful instructions to parents on how to create a sleep plan to make improvements in the child's sleep situation. She goes over some basic "common sense" rules [which weren't so common sense to me since I wasn't doing half of them before I read this book!]. Then the second half of the book is devoted to in depth discussion of different specific sleep problems [ie: night terrors, "I'm not tired", etc] and ideas for overcoming these problems. The very end of the book includes a section on how to recognize actual sleep disorders and what to do if you child has one.

This book is a literal treasury of ideas - some of which are certain to be helpful! As always, Pantley does a great job balancing the needs of the child with the needs of the parent. She succeeds in helping both get the sleep they need in a gentle and loving way.

I highly recommend this book for any parent of a child who does not sleep well.

See all 205 customer reviews...

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth PDF
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The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth PDF

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth PDF

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth PDF
The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's Sleep, by Elizabeth PDF