Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

[L363.Ebook] Ebook Free Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

Ebook Free Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

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Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

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Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple

‘A very good novel indeed about the fragility and also the tenacity of love’ commented the Spectator recently about Someone at a Distance, the 1953 novel by Dorothy Whipple, which was ignored fifty years ago because ‘editors are going mad for action and passion’ (as she was told by her publisher). But this last novel by a writer whose books had previously been bestsellers is outstandingly good by any standards. Apparently ‘a fairly ordinary tale about the destruction of a happy marriage’ (Nina Bawden in the Preface) yet ‘it makes compulsive reading’ in its description of an ordinary family (‘Ellen was that unfashionable creature, a happy housewife’) struck by disaster when the husband, in a moment of weak, mid-life vanity, runs off with a French girl. Dorothy Whipple is a superb stylist, with a calm intelligence in the tradition of Mrs Gaskell (both wrote in the Midlands and had similar preoccupations). ‘The prose is simple, the psychology spot on’ said the Telegraph, and John Sandoe Books commented: ‘We have�all delighted in this unjustly forgotten novel; it is well written and compelling.’

  • Sales Rank: #272703 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-12-14
  • Released on: 2011-12-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Born in 1893 in Lancashire, England, Dorothy Whipple wrote nine extremely successful novels, two of which were made into films. She also wrote short stories and two volumes of memoirs. She died in 1966. Nina Bawden is the celebrated author of Carrie's War, Peppermint Pig, and The Witch's Daughter, among others. A number of her works have been dramatized by BBC Children's television. She currently lives in London and Nauplion, Greece.

Most helpful customer reviews

24 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
Cliched and hoary divorce plot, but exquisitely written
By Jay Dickson
Dorothy Whipple has been one of the authors Persephone Books has been most proud to re-dsicover, and the beautifully sharp prose in this 1950s novel will alert you immediately why she's been a favorite. Yet for all that the novel is bit of a disappointment. The plot seems reminsicent of Clare Booth Luce's THE WOMEN: a noble-minded wealthy married woman loses her weak and contempible husband to the clutches of a stylish and spiteful vixen, while her daughter suffers tremendously and her friends cluck and sympathize. Some of the characters are also quite hard to take. Anne, the sickeningly adorable daughter, carries on so much when her father is caught with the French interloper, Louise, that you begin to develop a perverse delight in her unhappiness; and all the male characters are wholly two-dimensional weaklings. With the older women characters, however, Whipple seems right on the money. The heroine, Ellen, is perhaps a bit too noble but is also observed with sympathy and skill, and Louise, the clear villain, is surprisingly well-drawn too. Whipple's ability to turn a memorable phrase is also consistent throughout.

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
A must read story about the end of marital bliss.
By Midwest Book Review
A marriage of over two decades is in danger, and the culprit seems to be the groom's own mother. "Someone at a Distance" is the story of Ellen and Avery North, a happily married couple with two children; all seems well with their life. But when Avery's mother arranges for a French girl to become a companion for him, it incites a long and confusing turmoil for everyone involved. Composed in an enthralling and realistic manner, "Someone at a Distance" is a must read story about the end of marital bliss.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
By Ellis Bell
Dorothy Whipple's Someone at a Distance is a very complicated novel to write about. It's the story of the Norths, a suburban couple with two teenage children. Avery North's aging mother engages a young Frenchwoman as her companion, and he develops an attachment to her that develops into an affair and later leads to divorce from his wife Ellen. This novel is a stunning book about the wide-ranging effects an affair can have on several families.

Dorothy Whipple's language is very simple. Her prose is uncomplicated, yet there's a lot of meaning behind it. Her upper-middle-class English characters are all absorbed in their own mundane lives, until the arrival of Louise literally shakes them all up. Louise is obviously not meant to be a sympathetic character (unlike Ruth in Susan Glaspell's Fidelity); and at times she devolves into the stereotypical "other woman." Much more preferable is Ellen, the sensible English housewife who finds her life shattered during the after the divorce.

It's a sad subject, yet there are some truly funny moments; the surly Miss Daley going postal on Louise is an example that comes to mind. So in the end, each of the characters get what they deserve--even Avery, towards whom I feel a bit ambivalent. I feel as though he simply sat back and let things happen to him, rather than be an active member of the cast of characters.

It's interesting that I've chosen to read this book now, so shortly after reading another Persephone title, Fidelity--it's the story of an extramarital affair as told from the conventional point of view. Despite my feelings towards Avery and Louise, I though many of the other characters were well-drawn. Whipple's description of the angst teenage Anne goes through is very real, as are the difficulties that Ellen must feel as she prepares for a life alone. After all, she's been married for twenty years, and she's never had a job or had to pay her own bills; how will she cope? It's funny, then, how Ellen ultimately finds solace in a group of elderly ladies. Like the other Whipple novel I've read, The Priory, this is not a novel in which much "happens," but it's a powerfully emotional novel. Whipple's prose is simple, as I've said, but her way with words is absolutely stellar. She really knew how to play on her readers' emotions, so that you feel invested in the lives of her characters.

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Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

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Expositional Modes and Temporal Ordering in Fiction, by Meir Sternberg

"... this is one of the few books on narrative worth reading and rereading, a study that will make―or should make―a difference in the way we read narrative." ―Nineteenth Century Fiction

"This is a remarkable book: original, clear-sighted, and luminously focused on a subject that has never been explored nearly so systematically or intensively."―Dorrit Cohn, Harvard University

This book, long out of print, is now available in a paperback edition, providing another window into one of the most exciting minds working in the areas of literary and biblical literary criticism.

  • Sales Rank: #2524937 in Books
  • Published on: 1993-03-22
  • Released on: 1993-03-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.04" w x 6.12" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 352 pages

About the Author

MEIR STERNBERG is Professor of Poetics and Comparative Literature at Tel Aviv University and author of The Poetics of Biblical Narrative.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Book Contents
By Curupira
1. What is Exposition? An Essay in Temporal Delimitation

2. Exposition and Order of Presentation: Some Preliminary Notes

3. Delayed and Distributed Exposition in the Odyssey: The Dynamics of Narrative Interest

4. Order of Presentation, Delayed and Distributed Exposition, and Strategies of Rhetorical Control

5. The Rhetoric of Anticipatory Caution: First Impressions in OFirst ImpressionsO and the Poetics of Jane Austen

6. Retardatory Structure, Expositional Suspension, and the Detective Story

7. A Plea for Preliminary and Concentrated Exposition: The Cases of Trollope and Balzac

8. Expositional Motivation, Temporal Structure, and Point of View (1): Varieties of Omniscient Narration

9. Expositional Motivation, Temporal Structure, and Point of View (2): Restricted and Self-Restricted Narration

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Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

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  • Sales Rank: #9058388 in Books
  • Published on: 1981
  • Format: Import
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.00" h x 1.00" w x 1.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 544 pages

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The guiding theme of psychotherapist Karlfried Dürckheim’s work is that one can become “transparent to transcendence.” An early Western authority on Zen, he was one of the first to bring its methods to Europe. Incorporating Zen and depth psychology into his practice, Dürckheim was also one of the earliest transpersonal psychologists. His spiritual practice of combining Jung, Meister Eckhart, and Zazen proved to lead to moments of higher consciousness, which he described as “privileged moments.” In The Way of Transformation, one of his most concise and profound works, Dürckheim shows that once readers scrape away personal barriers and free the divine spark within, these radiant, life-altering occasions can occur at any time. His meditative approach to daily activities turns simple tasks such as making tea, posting a letter, or washing dishes into moments of new awareness: everyday life as a spiritual practice.

  • Sales Rank: #1925339 in Books
  • Published on: 1994
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 120 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

30 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
Pages 107 and 108 Alone Are More Than Worth the Price of This Book!
By ZenMaster John
This is an incredibly wise and rich book. A book that deserves to be read slowly, and as carefully as it was written. A book where the reader ought to pause frequently to follow his or her own thoughts, and to even journal/write them, in order to get the full benefit of this book.

This is my favorite passage from the book--

"The person who, being truly on the Way, falls upon hard times in the world, will not, as a consequence, turn to that friend who offers him refuge and comfort and encourages his old self to survive. Rather, he will seek out someone who will faithfully and inexorably help him to risk himself, so that he may endure the suffering and pass courageously through it, thus making of it a 'raft that leads to the far shore.'

"Only to the extent that a person exposes himself willingly over and over again to annihilation, can that which is indestructible arise within him.

"In this lies the dignity of daring.

"Thus, the aim of practice is not to develop an attitude which allows a man to acquire a state of harmony and peace wherein nothing can ever trouble him. On the contrary, practice should teach him to let himself be assaulted, perturbed, moved, insulted, broke and battered--that is to say, it should enable him to dare to let go his futile hankering after harmony, sure ease of pain, and a comfortable life in order that he may discover, in doing battle with the forces that oppose him, that which awaits him beyond the world of opposites.

"The first necessity is that we should have the courage to face life and encounter all that is most perilous in the world.

"When this is possible, meditation itself becomes the means by which we accept and welcome the demons which arise from the unconscious--a process very different from the practice of concentration on some objects as a protection against such forces. Only if we venture repeatedly through zones of annihilation, can our contact with what is Divine, with what is beyond annihilation, become firm and stable.

"The more a person learns whole-heartedly to confront a world and way of living that threatens him with isolation, the more are the depths of the Ground of Being revealed and the possibilities of new life and Becoming opened for him."

(Karlfried Graf von Durckheim, "The Way of Transformation," pp. 107-8)

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Western Buddhists Should Read
By Pamela S
This is one of the best books I have ever read. If you are a practitioner of Buddhist meditation (shamatha/vipashyana), you will find this an excellent explanation of the path and outcome of meditation practice, without the use of a single Buddhist term. Reading it will increase your ability to discuss meditation with newcomers. If you are not a Buddhist, you may find it a bit esoteric and could conceivably be confused due to lack of experience with Buddhist meditation.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Extremely useful concise text
This a spectacular small, obscure, book about how the practice of meditation and Buddhist thought in general can affect your daily life in the most positive ways. I have read many Buddhist texts, and I found this one to be incredibly useful simply because it demonstrates how each action of our daily lives is Practice and that at any moment, transformation of consciousness can occur.

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Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

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This remarkable collection provides a personal look at Rogers' youth, marriage, and aging, and also addresses personal growth, education, and "client-centered therapy."

  • Sales Rank: #72949 in Books
  • Published on: 1989-08-16
  • Released on: 1989-08-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x 1.34" w x 5.50" l, 1.20 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 544 pages

From Library Journal
The currently popular publishing ploy of presenting as "readers" the exemplary writings of individual social scientists here benefits both Carl Rogers (1902-87) and audiences familiar or unfamiliar with his multifaceted work. Most of the selections have been published previously, some as early as 1942, but they are well arranged here, forming a coherent and informative portrait of Rogers as therapist, researcher, theoretician, educator, philosopher, diplomat, and private person. While "encounter group" now seems a buzzword past its prime, the form of person-oriented encounter Rogers helped to institutionalize in clinics, schools, and other professional settings is very much a part of contemporary American social theory. Although a few very academic papers are included, this volume will interest general readers (in part if not in full) as well as specialists.
- Francisca Goldsmith, Berkeley P.L., Cal.
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc.

The currently popular publishing ploy of presenting as "readers" the exemplary writings of individual social scientists here benefits both Carl Rogers (1902-87) and audiences familiar or unfamiliar with his multifaceted work. Most of the selections have been published previously, some as early as 1942, but they are well arranged here, forming a coherent and informative portrait of Rogers as therapist, researcher, theoretician, educator, philosopher, diplomat, and private person. While "encounter group" now seems a buzzword past its prime, the form of person-oriented encounter Rogers helped to institutionalize in clinics, schools, and other professional settings is very much a part of contemporary American social theory. Although a few very academic papers are included, this volume will interest general readers (in part if not in full) as well as specialists.
- Francisca Goldsmith, Berkeley P.L., Cal.
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc.� (Library Journal )

About the Author
Carl Rogers(1902-1987) was one of the most influential psychologists in American history. He received many honors, including the first Distinguished Professsional Contributor Award and the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Carl Rogers is a wise man
By Zhu
Great book, lots of introspective thinking. Great for a book club read. Also good for people thinking about going into counseling.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Essential reading for all psychotherapists....
By David C. Young
All psychotherapists know Carl Rogers, right? Didn't Rogers, founder of non-directive therapy, teach people to do just reflective listening? Isn't he replaced, now, by "evidence-based" psychotherapies which, unlike Rogers, are based on research?

Wrong. US psychotherapists may think they know Rogers. (Rogers is much better known in Europe.) But there are many aspects of Rogers that they likely don't know. And these aspects are here, in this Reader -- an excellent selection of Rogers' writings.

For example, Rogers was the founder of psychotherapy research, and client-centered research dominated the field for over 20 years, through the 1960's. (It continues to this day, mostly in Europe.) Rogers' classic article, "The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change" (1957), in this Reader, has still spawned more psychotherapy research, is still the most empirically validated study in the history of psychotherapy. In the opening years of the 21st century, the English publisher, PCCS Books, published no less than four thick volumes of theory & research on just these conditions. (All are available on amazon. See, for example, Unconditional Positive Regard (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory & Practice).)

By the way, the end of the opening essay in this volume, "This is Me" (1961), is a more readable version of these conditions. His 1958 article, "The Characteristics of a Helping Relationship," also in this volume, describes how his "conditions" were already validated by research. Indeed, Rogers' client-therapist relationship remains one of the most research-based of all psychotherapies. And two recent & comprehensive meta-analyses of psychotherapy research, from the 1950's into the 21st century, present strong evidence that "contextual factors", including Rogers' "conditions", are more effective than the many diagnosis-based interventions. (Both these books -- The Great Psychotherapy Debate: Models, Methods, and Findings (LEA's Counseling and Psychotherapy Series) and The Heart and Soul of Change: Delivering What Works in Therapy -- are due out in December 2009 in their 2nd editions, updated with even more current research.)

Self-Disclosure: Of my first five teachers in psychotherapy, four were students of Carl Rogers, including Eugene Gendlin. Yet I'm nowhere near a "true believer". I do Cognitive Behavioral Therapies as well as Family Therapies, and I'm definitely a DSM-jock, often working closely with psychiatrists. But my core, my heart belongs to Rogers, which is "how" I do CBT, family therapy & DSM-diagnosing.

In this Reader, you'll find almost all Rogers' most important articles. "Toward a Modern Approach to Values: The Valuing Process of the Mature Person" (1964) has continuing implications for helping ethics avoid the twin problems of relativism & dogmatism. "Do We Need 'A' Reality?" (1978) develops one aspect of his "process of valuing", this from a later perspective. "A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relationships, As Developed in the Client-Centered Framework" (1959) is Rogers' most rigorous statement of the theory behind his client-centered approach. "A Client-Centered/Person-Centered Approach to Therapy" (1986) gives an extended transcript of a demonstration therapy session as well as a late summary of his expanded thinking about the "necessary & sufficient conditions". With this article, especially when combined with his "Reflection of Feelings and Transference" (1986/1987), the reader can grasp the differences between the simple "technique" of reflective listening and the deep interaction of Rogerian therapy. The Reader also has articles about his forays into education -- Rogers was, after all, not only a teacher, but a teacher of teachers.

With 33 articles & over 500 pages, the Reader is a true Rogerian feast. Though of course, there are articles I wish were included, in particular, "Empathic: An Unappreciated Way of Being" (found in Rogers 1980 A Way of Being) and his "Introduction" of the 1951 Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications, and Theory. But these are found in books readily available, and no selection of Rogers 16 books & 200+ scholarly articles could please everyone.

If you're a psychotherapist, I highly recommend buying & reading this book. Rogers' work bears not only reading, but also re-reading. If you do, I believe your clients will be glad. I'd read many of these articles several decades ago, and my more-recent re-reading helped "tone me up", all to my clients' benefit.

17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Short-cut to Dr. Carl
This book is an excellent synopsis of Carl Rogers life's work. Instead of researching several other volumes, this text provides an accurate and complete re-telling of the development of Rogerian Client-Centred Therapy. The authors have captured the essence of Carl Rogers and his voice is evident throughout the text. A worthwhile read for those new to Rogerian Therapy.

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The Carl Rogers Reader, by Carl Rogers PDF

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

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This book covers the physics of semiconductors on an introductory level, assuming that the reader already has some knowledge of condensed matter physics. Crystal structure, band structure, carrier transport, phonons, scattering processes and optical properties are presented for typical semiconductors such as silicon, but III-V and II-VI compounds are also included. In view of the increasing importance of wide-gap semiconductors, the electronic and optical properties of these materials are dealt with too.

  • Sales Rank: #7060415 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
  • Published on: 1999-04-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.79" h x .62" w x 6.30" l, .85 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 183 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

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Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

[X500.Ebook] Free Ebook Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil FCHS FCPodMed DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon

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Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil FCHS FCPodMed DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon

Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil  FCHS  FCPodMed  DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon

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Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil  FCHS  FCPodMed  DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon

Neale’s Disorders of the Foot remains the essential resource for students and practitioners of podiatry. All the common conditions encountered in day-to-day podiatric practice are reviewed and their diagnoses and management described along with areas of related therapeutics. Students will find in this one volume everything they need to know about foot disorders and their treatment in order to pass their examinations, while practitioners will continue to appreciate the book’s accessibility and relevance to their daily practice. The new eighth edition is more indispensable than ever before with all contributions revised and brought up to date, colour photographs throughout, an all-new clear and accessible full colour design, and its own website including a full image library, video clips of key techniques and interactive self-assessment questions. Whether you need quick reference or more detailed information, the new and improved Neale’s Disorders of the Foot is ready to serve the needs of a new generation of podiatry students and practitioners.

  • All essential material on common foot disorders and their management is covered, which is required by those studying for their first degree in podiatry
  • Quick and easy access to information is offered through a detailed contents list, comprehensive index, and clear layout with good use of headings
  • Quick and easy learning features make this an ideal text for self-directed study and revision
  • Up-to-date information covers the conditions most commonly encountered in day-to-day practice
  • Evolve Resources - containing full online image library, video sequences and interactive self-assessment tools
  • Over 150 colour photographs
  • Text fully updated and revised

  • Sales Rank: #3428805 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-07-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.10" h x 1.30" w x 8.80" l, 4.60 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 648 pages

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Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil FCHS FCPodMed DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon PDF

Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil FCHS FCPodMed DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon PDF
Neale's Disorders of the Foot, 8e (Evolve Learning System Courses), by Paul Frowen MPhil FCHS FCPodMed DPodM, Maureen O'Donnell BSc(Hon PDF