Ebook Worship in the Early Church, by Ralph P. Martin
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Worship in the Early Church, by Ralph P. Martin
Ebook Worship in the Early Church, by Ralph P. Martin
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An introduction to the New Testament teaching concerning the early Christian principles and practices of corporate worship. Among the topics Martin considers are prayers and praises, creeds and confessions, preaching, offerings, and sacraments.
- Sales Rank: #224720 in Books
- Brand: Brand: William B. Eerdmans
- Published on: 1975-10-02
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .37" w x 6.00" l, .41 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 144 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From the Back Cover
Worship involves all Christians. Clergymen, church boards, worship committees, and persons in the pew will all benefit from this lucid setting forth of why believers do what they do when they gather together for worship.
About the Author
Ralph Martin, S.T.D., is the Director of Graduate TheologyPrograms in the New Evangelization at Sacred HeartSeminary in Detroit, President of Renewal Ministries, and aConsultor to the Pontifical Council for the NewEvangelization.,
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
An excellent source for further study
By Priscilla Stilwell
I disagree with the previous reviewer in his assertion that this book is ideal for a high school class. While the principles presented are certainly at that level, the verbiage and approach is well beyond most high school students' levels. I do agree that the book lacks breadth, but I believe that it is an intentional choice by the author. To delve more deeply into any one of the chapters would require every chapter be expanded, which would be a much larger finished product, thereby eliminating the purpose of this book as an introduction or overview.
Martin does a good job of taking the main areas of relevance and providing a wealth of scriptural and literary sources in order for the student to saturate himself in the subject matter. I am pleased at how thorough this little book is, and how it lacks obvious denominational bias. The scriptures are the primary source for the text.
That being said, the "early church" pretty much stops at the end of the New Testament. For a more thorough look at history of church music and worship, I recommend Te Deum: The Church and Music.
17 of 24 people found the following review helpful.
An Overly Simplistic Picture, but not a Bad Start.
By The Rev. Dr. Daniel J. G. G. Block
Dr. Martin has provided us with a good, solid, although less than profound, primer on early Christian worship. This is the right book for high-school-age Sunday School classes, and for adults begin initial studies on the Christian liturgies. This text is insufficient, however, for more advanced reading.
With a well crafted vocabulary, a solid understanding of the subject matter, and an obvious infusion of Dr. Martin's own, deep faith, this is a delightful book.
Its only short-fall is that Dr. Martin paints the image of early Christian unity in faith, doctrine, and practice with too wide a brush. Thus, we read "The Resurrection is by common consent the decisive element in THE kerygma..." (p. 75, emphasis mine), even though James D.G. Dunn (Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity, Trinity Press 1990) and others have argued conclusively for multiple kerygmata in the earliest Church. In fact, for 49 pages (124-173) Dunn demonstrates explicitly and convincingly the complex variety in early Christian worship and sacramental practice. Martin, on the other hand, paints a rather flat image of an unified Church in which all the faithful believed the same doctrines, adhered to the "Didache," and smoothed over the differences between the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel according the Saint John, and the Pauline Epistles.
Dr. Martin's book is an excellent place to begin a study of the Christian liturgies, especially if the reader remembers that it is only a starting point.
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