Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

[A643.Ebook] Free Ebook Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

Free Ebook Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

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Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

Free Ebook Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

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Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy stepsis an essential guide presented with the over-50's in mind. It uses larger type for easy reading and discusses the topics in a clear and concise manner. It concentrates on the activities you'll want to carry out, whether you're completely new to computers, or you're upgrading from a previous version of Windows.

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps includes the new features that have been added since Windows 8: the return of the Start button; options for booting up to the Desktop; viewing up to four apps on screen at the same time; an enhanced SkyDrive feature for online storage and sharing; and a unified search facility that enables you to search over your computer and the Web.
It focuses on the new Windows 8.1 interface and shows you how you can access these features using a keyboard and mouse or using multitouch display capabilities.

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps will help you to quickly feel comfortable and confident with this exciting operating system. Presented with the senior reader in mind, it uses larger type, in the familiar In Easy Steps style.
Covers the 8.1 update released Fall 2013.

  • Sales Rank: #1211626 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-12-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 7.50" w x .50" l, 1.16 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages

About the Author
Based in the U.K., Michael Price is an accomplished author, IT journalist and systems consultant with a wide experience of computing systems ranging from mainframes to personal computers. He's also a successful author with several best-selling In Easy Steps books to his credit.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
The title might be a little insulting but it works.
By bernie
This book assumes you know little to nothing about computers. It will take you from ground zero to a functional user. The scope is well within the default software that comes with Microsoft systems. There are plenty of color pictures diagrams and explanations of how and why.

The only thing that you need to be aware of as with all computer books is the technology changes so the speed of processors and the size of drives may change before you get this book.

Some books claim that they are in plain English this one is. It uses the margin gimmick to tell you what hot tips are don't forget tips and beware warnings. You don't need the margins but they're comforting to have in the book.

The book is well designed be able to those step-by-step from front to back however if you need a little extra help or think you have missed something there is an index in the back that will carry you back to that particular location.

I suggest that even if you do know how to use computers that this book may tell you how to use computers more efficiently or clear up anything that you might have a misconception about.

So don't let the title or the sophomoric approach turn you off and miss something that can be useful.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
From A to Z Really!
By Courtney Poe
This is 2014 and one would expect large color pictures and that is exactly what you get in this easy to follow tour of Windows 8.1. I starts off with the extreme basics and advances up to customizing your windows experience.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By M. Savage
This book starts out with assumption that the reader already knows more than she/he probably does..Terms I have little to no understanding of are bandied about starting on page 1. I gave up and ordered 8.1 The Missing Manual. It hasn't arrived yet, but seven years ago, which was the last time I bought a new computer, the Missing Manual book provided all I needed to get up and running...

See all 20 customer reviews...

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price PDF
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price EPub
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price Doc
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price iBooks
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price rtf
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price Mobipocket
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price Kindle

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price PDF

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price PDF

Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price PDF
Windows 8.1 for Seniors in easy steps, by Michael Price PDF

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