Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

[E141.Ebook] PDF Ebook A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

PDF Ebook A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

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A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

PDF Ebook A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

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A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired

NEW COVER - A novella and two short stories, including Language of the Fan, revised September 2015

A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park - Novella: The day after the assembly at Meryton, Fitzwilliam Darcy departs Hertfordshire, believing he leaves little of interest behind. But when Elizabeth Bennet comes to Kent, Darcy has an opportunity for a second look at the dark-haired beauty, and he is instantly smitten. Unfortunately for Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth has a long memory, and the gentleman from Derbyshire will have to earn her love. His efforts begin with a walk in the meadows at Rosings Park.

Language of the Fan - Short Story: While Jane Bennet recuperates at Netherfield Park, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are thrown into each other's company. Despite initial resistance, the two adversaries find their first impressions are changing. The lovers are brought together through a series of comical miscues.

Mr. Darcy Steps In - Short Story. When Darcy learns that Mr. Collins plans to make an offer of marriage to Elizabeth Bennet, he knows he must do something, but what happens next is completely unexpected.

  • Sales Rank: #129938 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-22
  • Released on: 2013-12-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

As always Simonsen injects her subtle humor into the stories, especially as these stories include none other than that ridiculous oaf Mr. Collins!� It's these subtleties that always make me enjoy her writing.� She has a way of writing a more playful Darcy, and really who doesn't want to read how their relationship would play out with that kind of Darcy?��

About the Author
Mary Lydon Simonsen is the author of several��Pride and Prejudice�re-imaginings. For more information, please visit marysimonsenfanfiction.blogspot.com. She is also the author of the Patrick Shea mystery series featuring Detective Sergeant Patrick Shea of London's Metropolitan Police - patricksheamysteries.com.

Most helpful customer reviews

23 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
A new swoon worthy Mr. Darcy!
By BooksHugBack
In A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park by Mary Lydon Simonsen, a new Mr. Darcy is presented and he is definitely swoon worthy. While Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are visiting Rosings during the spring, Elizabeth catches Mr. Darcy's eye, but he is surprised that Elizabeth is the sister of Mr. Bingley's betrothed. He can hardly remember his horrible actions in Meryton, but Elizabeth is of course willing to remind him. With a walk in the meadows at Rosings Park, Mr. Darcy finds himself enchanted with Elizabeth and she finds herself receiving her first kiss from a man above her station in society. She retreats attempting to protect her heart from Mr. Darcy who she knows will not marry her. Finding himself taken with Elizabeth, he must find a way to convince her that their differences do not matter when they are in love. Darcy turns to his cousin Anne DeBourgh for advice in convincing Elizabeth to marry him. Not until he shows up at Longbourn to approve of her embarrassing family, does he surprise her with the most romantic of proposals.

This Mr. Darcy is different than what Austen had presented; however, this is not to say that this character portrayal comes unwanted. Void of pride and prejudice this Mr. Darcy becomes a embodiment of romance and pursuit of Elizabeth, despite their differences in spheres and her questionable family. This was an interesting look at how Darcy would behave without the angst and misapprehensions that the two classically create. What a fun variation on the characters and tale of Pride and Prejudice.

Simonsen gives her readers a bonus story with Mr. Darcy Steps In. Keeping with the same tone, this Mr. Darcy is along the same lines as A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park, and a good pairing of stories. Mr. Collins comes to Longbourn in search of a wife, but with Jane already being claimed by Mr. Bingley he naturally turns his intentions towards Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy is disturbed by the possibility of Elizabeth marrying a clergyman and steps in to sabotage the match and romance Elizabeth for himself. As in the first story I loved watching Mr. Darcy pursue Elizabeth and save her from the dreaded Mr. Collins.

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
A delightful, fun, and lighthearted read!
By Jakki L.
A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park is clever and humorous. From Mr. Collin's odious and unctuous personality to Mrs. Bennet's effusions and incivility, Simonsen's characterization is well developed. In addition, Darcy and Elizabeth's repartee is cleverly written portraying the couple's playfulness and wit. Simonsen's writing engages the reader's emotions. While there were a few scenes that summoned feelings of frustration and dejection for Darcy and Elizabeth, the primary feeling I felt was delight. The spark and connection between Darcy and Elizabeth is palpable. I love a book that will keep a smile on my face, and that is exactly what this book did.

The bonus short story included, Mr. Darcy Steps In, is a quick and enjoyable read as well.
This story is quite comedic. Mr. Darcy "steps in" in hopes of persuading Mr. Collins from proposing to Elizabeth. The reader gets to see a mischievous and cunning Mr. Darcy, the ever idiotic Mr. Collins, and the lively and impertinent Elizabeth. Let me not forget how delightful the scene is when Elizabeth and Darcy declare their love for each other!

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
,a romantic must read!!!
By Angie Kroll
This is the first variation I have read that seemed to correlate with a John Hughes movie. Darcy charms us from the very beginning and woos me and Elizabeth both. Both of these stories are excellent reads from an excellent writer!!

See all 33 customer reviews...

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A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired PDF

A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired PDF
A Walk in the Meadows at Rosings Park: Three Stories Inspired PDF

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