Kamis, 30 September 2010

[G786.Ebook] Download Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

Download Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

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Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

Download Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

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Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington

A 5 day - 40 hours class, edited so tight that what resulted was a 4 hour video. Every pause and time spent typing has been edited out. This is so that the viewer's mind does not wander. Every concept explained using small simple programs. Watch the sample on YouTube and you will know why this is the most popular Java training video in the market.

Learn Java & Object Oriented programming using this easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorial designed for fast learning.

This tutorial is aimed at beginners:
a) Planning a career in Java
b) College students in Java 101
c) High School students preparing for AP Computer Science A exam.
No prior programming experience required.

Most people find it difficult to listen in class or to lectures. This is not the fault of the student. TV and internet has made us tune out of listening to anything that does not visually stimulate and engage us.

This step by step java programming video tutorial is to fill that void. It is not only effective but is also time saving.
Concepts are explained using small programs in a refreshingly simple manner.

Chapter List
Chapter 1: Installation & setup 04:17
java 05:10
eclipse 07:14
Chapter 2: Java syntax & statements 08:49
first program 08:54
adding numbers 15:07
if-else 18:00
for loop 24:24
while loop 28:08
do while 31:20
and &&, or || 34:15
switch case 37:52
arrays 40.53
two dim array 48:41
String 54:30
Review 01:00:00
Exercise 01:06:21
Chapter 3: Class & Object 01:12:45
method returns a value 01:27:27
passing parameters & this keyword 01:31:44
constructor 01:36:30
Chapter 4: Object Oriented Programming 01:43:10
what makes OOP? 01:43:16
overloading 01:45:10
encapsulation & data hiding 01:48:36
Review 02:00:08
Chapter 05 : Sample project 02:05:13
Chapter 06 : Inheritance 02:32:16
polymorphism, overriding 02:35:30
abstract classes & methods 02:37:35
Interface 02:47:35
super keyword 02:53:39
static keyword 02:56:19
Review 03:03:31
Chapter 7 : Collections 03:08:34
ArrayList 03:08:38
HashMap 03:18:21
Revisit sample project 03:20:48
UML 03:24:18
Chapter 8 : Exceptions 03:26:58
try catch finally 03:27:02
throw & throws 03:35:20
Chapter 9 : Miscellaneous 03:40:38
variable arguments 03:40:43
final keyword 03:45:29
.jar files 03:48:26
Final review 03:52:00
Total running time: 4 hrs

  • Sales Rank: #2120261 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-02-24
  • Binding: DVD-ROM
  • 400 pages

Makes Java look so simple. - Harsha, USA

Simply fantastic ! fabulous ! mind blowing - Pamya, Japan

Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India

I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India

You are a better instructor than almost all of my college professors - Stephan J, USA

Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India

Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA

You are like an angel to all your students. In a simple way you've explained us such difficult and most confusing things. I always believe that teaching is a precious gift and only some lucky people have it - Hari, Australia

Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua

Excellent video!! Especially for a beginner like me. Wow! 'am so happy that i found your video. Keep up your good work Patrick. Ur way of narration-bringing in a steady flow throughout the tutorial. Easy to understand-line by line explanation. Excellent visual clarity - Prema, USA

I was searching for a nice tutorial the whole day and frankly i was losing any hope to find it but then i found your videos... U've got a real gift to explain kind of difficult things in a simple way, i mean i can't imagine a better way to explain that :) thank you very very much! God bless you! - Vaness, Russia

Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia

You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India

This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA

These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA

I would have never started hands on without your videos. - user, USA

These videos are very impressive. It clarifies much more in short time. You have excellent explaining capabilities. Keep up the good work. - Bangash, Belgium

It's an amazing tutorial i haven't seen any thing like this - Anurag, India --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author

Best educational videos that i have seen on youtube. Excellent Job. Keep up the good work. - Mustapha, USA

I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India

Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India

Cheers to the best teacher ever! - Mehdi, Morocco

Super tutorial i am completely new. It helped me a lot. Thank u so much. - Seban, India

Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India

Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA

You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India

I was getting frustrated with the tutorials I've come across, now I am glad that I've found your videos, they are very helpful. Well done! - Serra, UK

This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA

These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA

Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia

Great stuff. Awesome teaching skills. I am really impressed. Waiting for more videos - Praveen, India

Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua

This is the best tutorial i have come across. Thanks!! - Shaikh, UAE

I just wanna thank you for your fantastic video training. I recommended 'em to my friends. - Ajay P, India

Very interesting tutorial ,thanks a lot! your videos are much better than many books - Haamine, Algeria

This is really a great tutorial --Co --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author

Best educational videos that i have seen on youtube. Excellent Job. Keep up the good work. - Mustapha, USA

I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India

Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India

Cheers to the best teacher ever! - Mehdi, Morocco

Super tutorial i am completely new. It helped me a lot. Thank u so much. - Seban, India

Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India

Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA

You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India

I was getting frustrated with the tutorials I've come across, now I am glad that I've found your videos, they are very helpful. Well done! - Serra, UK

This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA

These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA

Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia

Great stuff. Awesome teaching skills. I am really impressed. Waiting for more videos - Praveen, India

Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua

This is the best tutorial i have come across. Thanks!! - Shaikh, UAE

I just wanna thank you for your fantastic video training. I recommended 'em to my friends. - Ajay P, India

Very interesting tutorial ,thanks a lot! your videos are much better than many books - Haamine, Algeria

This is really a great tutorial. Thank a lot. - Bulen, Canada

These videos are very impressive. It clarifies much more in short time. You have excellent explaining capabilities. Keep up the good work. - Bangash, Belgium

I would have never started hands on without your videos. - user, USA

Your contribution to programming world is extraordinary. I learnt it so well. I felt as if I was in a classroom and you are teaching me one - to - one. - Utpal, USA

Great tutorial, made my work easy. - Monu, USA

Explanation of all concepts are excellent. - Sanjiv, USA

Thanks boss!!! you are genius. - Rakesh, India

You really did a great job, I love this tutorial! - Caedium, Italy

Great Tutorials. Thank you - sser, Germany

Excellent! Thanks! - Varun, Singapore

--Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author

The best video-tutorial. - Laura, Germany

Makes Java look so simple. - Harsha, USA

Simply fantastic ! fabulous ! mind blowing - Pamya, Japan

It's an amazing tutorial i haven't seen any thing like this - Anurag, India

You're awesome man. best teacher ever! - Francisco, Portugal

Wow--they're great. As a former teacher of computer science, I'm very impressed with your teaching - Adam G, USA

The teaching mode which you have choosen is really good and understandable.I have never attend a presentation like yours. - Mano

Unique videos, you have GREAT skills to teach! - user, Bahamas

you are a great teacher, thank you so much. - user, Peru

Simple, easy and effective method of teaching, - Abdollah , Egypt --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author

About the Author
(From the Author)
I finished mechanical engineering, but decided to pursue computers due to better job opportunities. But the transition was anything but smooth. It took me a long time just to get a hang of object oriented programming. I took the help of many instructors, but to no avail. I finally figured it out using innumerable boring books, and I wished they had taught me differently, saving me all that time and frustration. I just thought I will save you some time! Hope you like it!
I first came into prominence due to my free Java hibernate videos on youtube. It is considered the number one online video learning resource for hibernate.
I have been working as a Java developer for around 14 years and 'am currently into corporate training. I teach Java, Spring framework, Hibernate, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Entity framework and a few other things.

My Philosophy to teaching is to keep it simple, straight forward and clear step by step instructions.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Best Way to Learn Java, hands down!
By daphoenix
I had originally heard about Patrick's Java Tutorials when I was reading through comments on other Amazon purchases I made for books in C++ and Java. I wanted to learn Java on my own before starting graduate school, and my previous programming experience was limited primarily to FORTRAN I took 2 years ago, which to say has gotten rusty.

I bought 2 books in Java, Herbert Schildt's "Java, A beginner's guide, 5th edition" and "Head First's Java programming" by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. Schildt's textbook felt like the run of the mill textbook that professors would have me read in advanced engineering courses - Dry and boring. It had a fairly difficult learning curve, since it throw out complex terminology at the very start of the book, and expected you to know those terms by heart, since each concept reinforced itself in subsequent chapters. I seriously didn't want to bother reading a book that felt more like a PhD's dissertation, so I scrapped it.

In comes "Head First's Java" programming, touted as one of the best Java books in the market today. I've read through approximately 150 pages of the book, and I can see why its been rated so high. It uses a completely different learning approach, by using pictures, stories, "interviews with the compiler", puzzles, crosswords, etc. to teach the subject. It has worked for the most part(I am able to do all of the difficult puzzles so far), however the following issues arise:
1. When reading a subject about programming, understanding the context of how a passage is written slows down my comprehension rate. Since Head First throws out so many different formats when teaching a topic, my mind tends to have a very hard time interpreting the exact meaning of what is being taught for each context. This tremendously slows down my learning rate, and frustrates me to no ends at times
2. Head First's Java is so unconventionally organized, that you simply cannot reference back to it when you need to (i.e. at the end of the chapters). This really hurts me when I spend a week not doing any java, and then attempt to refresh myself. Also this book made a poor reference in the future, unless you take notes on a book separately...(even then it misses some Java essentials)
3. Head First Java is a book (and any book for that matter), so its limited in its teaching ability as opposed to a video, which offers audio and visual aids to enhance learning.

In comes Patricks's Java Tutorials. I spent a good number of hours (30+ hours) on and off reading Head First's Java program, and was competent enough to grasp how a battleship game program was made. I decided to try Patrick's Videos, which is a 4 hour video tutorial (to which I've already viewed 2 hours), and I can confidentally say that following:
1. I learned more in 5 hours over 2 days (pausing/taking GOOD reference notes for the future/writing code/quizzing myself/reviewing notes/etc, aka 2 hours of the video) than the 30+ hours I spent frustrating myself over Head First's Java book or any other programming book in C++ for that matter.
2. I actually learned the concepts correctly the first time around, and did not have to waste time trying to understand the context of what was being taught. Patrick explains everything concisely and perfectly, with 0 downtime between concept transitions (meaning you have to pause a lot! lots of good condensed information. No um, uhs, obvious filler messages, "let me open this page...wait while its loading", etc. that you see in low quality YouTube video tutorials). And he even does a 2-3 minute overview of all the concepts learned at the end of every hour. He also gives you exercises / projects for you to test your knowledge before he explains it.

Some of the others pros I can say about Patrick's videos:
1. You learn eclipse, an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), while you watch his tutorial. Using the command prompt / Notepad++(or Vim) text editor wasted so much of my time with Head First's Java programming. The IDE greatly reduced the time to do mundane tasks.
2. You can test run his video tutorial (first 1.5 hours FREE, no registration needed) yourself if your skeptical! It was rated as the #1 Java Tutorial on YouTube.
patrickvideo(dot) com or
http://www.youtube (dot) com/watch?v=3u1fu6f8Hto

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Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington EPub
Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington Doc
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Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington Mobipocket
Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington Kindle

Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington PDF

Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington PDF

Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington PDF
Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington PDF

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

[X800.Ebook] PDF Download Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

PDF Download Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

Locating the best Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles For Designing Logos And Building Brands, By Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak book as the right need is kind of lucks to have. To start your day or to finish your day at night, this Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles For Designing Logos And Building Brands, By Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak will be proper sufficient. You could just search for the floor tile below and also you will obtain the book Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles For Designing Logos And Building Brands, By Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak referred. It will certainly not bother you to reduce your valuable time to choose shopping publication in store. In this way, you will additionally invest cash to spend for transportation and also various other time spent.

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

PDF Download Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

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Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak

This book is the fourth book in the Essential series following Layout Essentials, Typography Essentials, and Packaging Essentials. It outlines and demonstrates basic logo and branding design guidelines and rules through 100 principles including the elements of a successful graphic identity, identity programs and brand identity, and all the various strategies and elements involved.

  • Sales Rank: #164114 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2010-10-01
  • Released on: 2010-10-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"A model of clarity in a field that rarely has any."- Ralph Caplan
"One of the best books I've seen on creating brand identity."
- Candace Mathews, Amway CMO
"Great for professionals, visual junkies, and brand managers."
- Brandchannel.com

From the Author
See also: brand-identity-essentials.com

From the Back Cover
Design terms are too often used inconsistently, leading to confusion for designers as well as clients. Contrary to common usage, the words "logo," "identity," and "brand" are not interchangeable.
Brand Identity Essentials�lays a foundation for brand-building, defining the tools and building blocks, and illustrating the construction of strong brands through examples of world-class design.

  • A one-stop reference for connecting visual design elements for logos to branding concepts.
  • Explores S/M/L (small, medium, and large) dynamics of identity design: graphic identities, identity programs, brand identities.
  • Demonstrates core identity design principles through a clear organizational structure and a variety of sources and examples.

Brand Identity Essentials celebrates well-executed brand programs as well as really great marks.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
No substance
By Roby
I expected this book to teach me something, but I am disappointed. There's not much substance in this book. On every page they have listed a title, one or two paragraphs stating the obvious and some pretty pictures. The descriptions go something like this: "Color. Color is a very important element in creating a brand identity. You should select the color carefully. Here are some logos in various colors." There's not enough actionable advice. Don't believe me? Use the "look inside" feature of Amazon, actually read a page and ask yourself what will you do differently based on what's written there.

I'm giving it two stars instead of one star because there are a lot of pretty pictures and I like pictures. The pictures on each page are mostly random though. You could switch those examples between pages and nobody would notice since the authors don't go into any depth explaining the pictures shown on a page.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Great book for novice designers
By William
I am a graphic design student just wrapping up my college career, looking to jump right into the world of brand identity. Brand Identity Essentials is a great book for students like me who need to build a vocabulary of design, going into the working world. This book not only puts into words many of the principles I've learned throughout my college career, but also teaches me new things. The visual examples are stunning and get the concepts across strong and clear for a visual thinker like me.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
forget the brand developing issues, this can clarify that.
By Leon Irigoyen
I know there is a newer version of this book (that I haven't seen yet) but I love the way the authors explains in a concrete and professional way all the subjects they consider important to include. I use this book for a logo design class and It really helps envision a greater impact in the brand developing issues.

See all 16 customer reviews...

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak PDF
Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak EPub
Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak Doc
Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak iBooks
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Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak Mobipocket
Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak Kindle

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak PDF

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak PDF

Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak PDF
Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands, by Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak PDF

Jumat, 24 September 2010

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Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry

Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry

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Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry

Based on a multi-year study with several large companies, Resurgence reveals how some of the most interesting and notable brands in the world have managed to stage remarkably successful comebacks following periods of decline. The core of this book is a smart, simple four-part framework for reinvention, plus compelling advice distilled for general business readers. Yet,it also features fascinating, insider accounts of the change process, with stories from a core group of leaders at companies such as Motorola, Alberto Culver, Harley-Davidson, and others, as they considered the question: How do we reinvent a firm that does not recognize the need for radical change? Three top marketing experts bring a compelling wealth of experience and knowledge to the forefront as they were granted extensive access to the executives at these companies and track how each of these organizations look dramatically different as a result of its changed efforts.

  • Sales Rank: #293597 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-02-18
  • Released on: 2014-02-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.32" h x .97" w x 6.43" l, .94 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 256 pages


“Being market focused is more important than ever. But few organizations know how to move effectively toward it, often finding themselves adrift. The authors describe seven major companies and what it took to achieve a market-focused reinvention, all captured in an illuminating four-stage process. Based on thorough research, Resurgence offers valuable insights into an increasingly important management challenge.” ―Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

“Change is the only constant. Disruptions of business models that used to take decades now take a few years or even months. In response, companies must disrupt themselves before the competition does in order survive and thrive. The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention provides a smart and simple framework for companies to navigate the need for constant change.” ―Jonathan D. Becher, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, SAP

“A topical manifesto on turning around troubled businesses. With lively case studies on companies like Alberto-Culver, Harley Davidson, and Motorola, authors Carpenter, Gebhardt and Sherry speak to the urgency of reinventing a company not just by following the right steps but by following them in the right order. A highly readable blend of scholarly ethnography and how-to prescriptions.” ―Rohit Deshpande, Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing, Harvard Business School

“A gem of a book. It's a thought provoking managerial book that is rigorous as well as pragmatic. Steeped in several years of field research this book distils unique insights and a pragmatic step by step approach for businesses that are in need to reinvent themselves. Easily accessible, a joy to read and practically useful.” ―Marcel Corstjens, Unilever Chaired Professor of Marketing, INSEAD

“Resurgence is a unique combination of academic rigor and practical advice. The case studies and Reinvention Model clearly communicate the importance of leaders building a collaborative, results-oriented culture to seize marketplace opportunity.” ―Mary Dillon, CEO, Ulta Beauty

“For many businesses, it may seem like the world is moving faster than ever. Markets shift, competitors emerge and customer expectations rise, seemingly overnight. Yet organizations often fail to respond with speed, ending up adrift and in need of massive change just to survive. If success and history are the enemies of innovation, the practical actions mapped out in Resurgence offer a relevant and timely approach to confront the conditions that lead to stagnation. This book offers a refreshingly clear-eyed view of the challenges of sustaining change – and offers a straight-forward approach to reinvention that is relevant whether your organization is striving to reignite growth or just trying to stay ahead of the change happening all around you.” ―Lou Sanchez, Vice President, Leadership & Organization Development, eBay Inc.

“Resurgence provides a formula for successfully transforming your organization into a customer-driven organization. Employing a unique, ethnographic research approach, the authors discover that the secret sauce is in the sequence of initiatives and confirm that organizational health and culture play a critical role.” ―Betsy D Holden, Former Co-CEO, Kraft Foods

About the Author

Gregory S. Carpenter is the James Farley/Booz Allen Hamilton Professor of Marketing Strategy and director of the Center for Market Leadership at the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University, and he hosts the annual Kellogg Marketing Leadership Summit. He is a frequent speaker on marketing strategy, and his research has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, and NPR.

Gary F. Gebhardt is Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Montreal. He teaches marketing strategy, market-focused innovation, B2B and channel marketing in the MBA, MSc, and McGill-HEC Montreal EMBA programs. He worked as a consultant and executive in industry for thirteen years before earning his PhD in Marketing at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management.

John F. Sherry, Jr. is Herrick Chair and Chairman of the Marketing Department at University of Notre Dame. An anthropologist, he taught at Northwestern's Kellogg School for over two decades. He has researched, lectured, and consulted around the globe on issues of brand strategy, experiential consumption, and retail atmospherics.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great Look at Customer Focused Companies
By Timothy Calkins
This is a terrific look at the potential and challenge of becoming customer focused. The book highlights how some companies managed a transformation and other companies failed. One big learning: you can't just hire some marketing people and turn them loose. Senior management has to lead the effort and get everyone working together.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Very valuable and instantly useful content - I enjoyed this book to the point ...
By jamesjpiacentino
Very valuable and instantly useful content - I enjoyed this book to the point of leveraging the material in practice. I also found it engaging throughout, without putting it down. Hope you find it valuable as well.

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Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry PDF

Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry PDF
Resurgence: The Four Stages of Market-Focused Reinvention, by Gregory S. Carpenter, Gary F. Gebhardt, John F. Sherry PDF

Kamis, 16 September 2010

[S977.Ebook] Get Free Ebook 101 Hotel Rooms, by Corinna Kretschmar-Joehnk, Peter Joehnk

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101 Hotel Rooms, by Corinna Kretschmar-Joehnk, Peter Joehnk

The more the speed of life is increasing and the more constant mobility is becoming the norm, the more important are rooms and spaces that provide a home away from home. In this context, hotel rooms constitute an essential hub as they combine travel and arrival, as well as movement and relaxation all in one. Guests should relax and feel comfortable in their hotel rooms, while also becoming inspired by the spirit of the surrounding space.
Five years after the publication of "101 Hotel Rooms", this second volume presents new examples of lifestyle quality experiences, while illustrating the talent of the two interior design experts for extraordinary room concepts and visionary design ideas – they translate emotions into design and design into atmosphere. Based on a holistic approach, the concept of hotel rooms is constantly reinvented and put into scene.

  • Sales Rank: #2476129 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-11-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.63" h x 1.01" w x 9.49" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 232 pages

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No Problem
By Acquisitions, UNLV Libraries
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Rabu, 15 September 2010

[J958.Ebook] Ebook Free The River Between, by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

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The River Between, by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

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The River Between, by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

A 50th-anniversary edition of one of the most powerful novels by the great Kenyan author and Nobel Prize contender

A legendary work of African literature, this moving and eye-opening novel lucidly captures the drama of a people and culture whose world has been overturned. The River Between explores life in the mountains of Kenya during the early days of white settlement. Faced with a choice between an alluring new religion and their own ancestral customs, the Gikuyu people are torn between those who fear the unknown and those who see beyond it.

For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700�titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the�series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date�translations by award-winning translators.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

  • Sales Rank: #425084 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-04-28
  • Released on: 2015-04-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook


‘It has rare qualities of restraint, intelligence and sensitivity’

The Times Literary Suppliment

‘ A sensitive novel about Gikuyu in the melting pot that sometimes touches the granduer of tap-root simpliticity.’

The Guardian

About the Author

Ngugi wa Thiong'o was born in Limuru, Kenya, in 1938, �was educated at the Alliance High School, Kikuyu, at Makerere University, Uganda and at the University of Leeds.
His novel, Weep Not, Child, was published in 1964 and this was followed by The River Between (1965), A Grain of Wheat (1967), and Petals of Blood (1977). Devil on the Cross (1980), was conceived and written during the author's one-year detention in prison, in Kenya, where he was held without trial after the performance by peasants and workers of his play Ngaahika Ndeenda (I Will Marry When I Want). �This was his first work to be published in his own language, Gikutu, and then translated into English and many other languages. His novel Matigari, was published in Gikuyu in Kenya in 1986.

The author has also written collections of short stories, plays and numerous essays. Ngugi is an active campaigner for the African language and form, and he writes, travels and lectures extensively on this theme. His work is known throughout the world and has made powerful impact both at home and overseas.

He now lives and works in the United States, writing and lecturing, and is a Professor at New York University.

Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


My first encounter with Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s writing came relatively late for a person who considers himself a student of African literature. A friend of mine, a painter from South Africa, left a copy of Ngugi’s essay collection Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature in my apartment with the instruction to read it if I wanted to “free my mind.” These days it is hard to read such words without thinking first of the 1999 blockbuster science fiction movie The Matrix, in which humans have become slaves to technology, which has imprisoned them in a picture-perfect virtual world. While most people in the film move around oblivious to the fact that they are literally sleeping through life, a select few experience discontent with the perceived order and long for something more. They are offered a choice between the blue pill, a chance to erase all indications of their discontent, and the red pill, an opportunity to explore the twists and turns of an enlightened life. Their problem is that freeing the mind requires that they embrace a contradiction: their world is built on a fallacy and this fallacy provides a foundation for what can be an expansive—if difficult—new life.

Ngugi’s body of work, from his 1965 novel The River Between to his 2012 memoir In the House of the Interpreter, is the red pill, delivering readers from a simplistic understanding of the forces of colonialism in Africa to a complicated imagining of Africa before, during, and after colonialism. Decolonising the Mind, first published in 1986, some ten years after he wrote Petals of Blood, the last novel he wrote in English, is Ngugi’s self-described “farewell to English as a vehicle for any of my writings,”1 and it provides great insight into the motivation for all of Ngugi’s writing, but especially for The River Between and his other early novels.

In Decolonising the Mind, one of the most marvelous analyses of the colonized (or formerly colonized) person’s existential predicament since Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth or Black Skin, White Masks, Ngugi explores the role that language plays in the process of colonization and in the long and incomplete struggle to emerge from colonialism’s shadow. It is not an easy text, primarily because it advocates abandoning many assumptions that the postcolonial African (which is to say every living African) has about the struggle for freedom and the institutions that structure everyday life. Ngugi’s unpacking of the damage done to independence movements by Africans being forced to use the colonizers’ languages to express discontent calls into question the authenticity of the work he chose to write in English, but such is the attitude of Ngugi, a writer profoundly allergic to the simple. Ngugi describes African existence as a struggle between two competing forces, an imperialist tradition and a resistance tradition:

The biggest weapon wielded and actually daily unleashed by imperialism against that collective defiance is the cultural bomb. The effect of a cultural bomb is to annihilate a people’s belief in their names, in their languages, in their environment, in their heritage of struggle, in their unity, in their capacities and ultimately in themselves.2

For Ngugi, imperialism extends well beyond the period of European expansion into Africa following the infamous Berlin Conference of 1884–85, which divided the continent’s peoples among European fiefdoms. Ngugi’s imperialism is not a time-bound event. It is an infectious mind-set that radically corrupts self-perceptions and sociohistorical narratives, a constant and dynamic process initiated to cause

despair, despondency and a collective death wish. Amidst this wasteland which it has created, imperialism presents itself as the cure and demands that the dependant sing hymns of praise with the constant refrain: “Theft is holy.” Indeed, this refrain sums up the new creed of the neocolonial bourgeoisie in many independent African states.3

A disease that offers itself as its own cure? A problem that presents itself as its own solution? This is the circular reasoning against which Ngugi argues in his critical nonfiction and his fiction. His oeuvre is unapologetically ideological while at the same time concerned with the aesthetics that distinguish art from propaganda. Ngugi describes his approach to writing like this:

First of all let me say [that] writing out of ideological convictions, of course, is very important. One has important ideas that arouse one’s anger, passion [and] commitment.�.�.�. But of course when one is actually writing fiction or poetry and so on it is very important that one lets those ideas emerge from concrete reality.�.�.�. In other words, to try and not necessarily impose those ideas on the situation.�.�.�. So the fictional narrative has to be artistically compelling to the reader and I would say this is a challenge to fiction writers. Because there is no way we can simply impose your views, your ideology, no matter how much you are convinced of that ideology, onto a situation. Rather the situation concretely should be the one that generates those ideas.4


It is with this in mind that we can now turn to Ngugi’s The River Between, the first novel he wrote—and the second to be published—in a career that spans numerous works in multiple languages. It is perhaps one of the first pieces of African fiction to deliberately address the complex thoughts and feelings of Africans about living under colonialism.

Written during Ngugi’s final years as a student of English at Makerere University, an affiliate of the University of London in Kampala, Uganda, The River Between was first published a year after his novel Weep Not, Child (1964), which he wrote after The River Between. It represents an inflection point in his life, marking his transition from amateur artist to professional craftsman. More important, it presents evidence of an evolution of his attitude toward the colonial apparatus that would eventually lead to his decision to write only in Gikuyu as a means of celebrating African literary and cultural traditions while escaping the bubble of a petite bourgeoisie readership in favor of a readership of the masses.

Ngugi has chronicled his literary and personal growth in several memoirs that speak both fondly and critically of the colonial education he received. He developed a love of the English literary canon and Christian religious traditions while living through numerous pre-independence upheavals—the Mau Mau rebellion among them—in which the British, who were responsible for his education and for introducing him to the Christian church, imprisoned his brother and tortured his mother during a state of emergency. In a sustained exploration of how James Ngugi, admirer of Conrad and the Bible, became Ngugi wa Thiong’o, firebrand postcolonial novelist and imperialist critic, the scholar Carol Sicherman suggests that Ngugi’s personal experience along with an undercurrent of campus revolutionary spirit gave rise to a transformation that finds expression in his early work. She also cites the 1962 African Writers Conference, which exposed for Ngugi and other East African writers the lack of literary material produced in their region as compared to southern and western Africa.5 It was around this time that Ngugi ventured to show his manuscript of The River Between to Hugh Dinwiddy, a British faculty member at Makerere. Dinwiddy remembers saying, “It’s time we had some African novelists. We can’t go on with Elspeth Huxley.” His recollection continues:

And so about three weeks later, at ten o’clock at night there came a knock on our front door, and there was James [Ngugi]. He said, “I’ve done something awful.” I said, “What can I do? How can I help?” He said, “I’ve started writing a novel, and I’ve got stuck! There it is.” He’d brought the manuscript with him, stacks of paper. I said, “For goodness sake, come in.”6

The River Between distills this atmosphere of urgency, self-questioning, and change into a beautifully compact and almost dystopian bildungsroman set in a vaguely fictional historical context around the time of the push by the British colonial religious infrastructure to eradicate female circumcision. At first its subject seems to be Waiyaki, a young boy who is supposed to mature into a beacon of hope and renewal for the Gikuyu community he inhabits as it processes its first encounter with the newly arrived white man, but really its subject is the tension surrounding this community as it confronts change.

Writers have never been an easy lot. More than anyone—except perhaps soldiers or mercenaries—they thrive on conflict, viewing it as an integral part of any society. Ngugi is no exception. In fact, he is a master at placing conflict at the center of his narrative, almost at the expense of the characters who must live through it. In its account of a small community’s interaction with imperial powers, The River Between offers us not the idea that there was peace before the white man and will be peace when Africa expels him, but the notion, however disturbing, that we owe this colonial conflict not resolution but understanding or even, if you will, respect.

The River Between begins like this:

The two ridges lay side by side. One was Kameno, the other was Makuyu. Between them was a valley. It was called the valley of life. Behind Kameno and Makuyu were many more valleys and ridges, lying without any discernible plan. They were like many sleeping lions which never woke. They just slept, the big deep sleep of their Creator.

This opening has long fascinated scholars because of its privileging of geography, place, and their mythological significance over characters as a narrative force. The novel starts slowly, almost frustratingly so, building tension in its imagery of opposition, of the ridges Kameno and Makuyu—villages that we come to learn have competing philosophies—as lions in extended slumber. What is so important about Ngugi’s world is the suggestion that this tension predates colonialism. “It began long ago,” he writes, and we are introduced not to a precolonial utopia, unsophisticated in its social dynamics, but to a complex environment. Colonialism is not the start of history, nor will it be its end; it exacerbates existing tensions, embodied in an opening scene by a fight between two boys from different ridges: Kamau, the son of Kabonyi, the closest thing to the novel’s villain, and Kinuthia, the fatherless youth who later serves as the voice of clarity for an increasingly isolated Waiyaki. It is a young Waiyaki who breaks up the fight, and in so doing establishes himself as the presence through which readers will access subsequent struggles in the narrative.

Waiyaki is introduced as a typical hero. As a boy he is “already tall for his age,” with a “well-built, athletic body” and a scar from an errant goat. Most important, he has the right curiosity and bloodline. He role-plays the mythological heroes of the tribe while attending to his daily duties but gains real insight into his supposed purpose and the turmoil it will bring through his father, Chege, a weary prophet and elder statesman from the Kameno ridge. Chege is privy to secrets of the tribe—the prophecy that the white man will come like butterflies, that the tribe will produce a savior to deal with him, and that this savior will come from his own lineage, a prominent bloodline that includes the seer Mugo wa Kibiro.

The moment of revelation of the prophecy sets Waiyaki on a path of growth but also reveals more tension, the specter of Kabonyi, the opportunist who will later come to haunt Waiyaki and highlight intergenerational political tensions that are as much a problem as the arrival of colonizing forces. Hidden here in this moment is the fatal flaw passed from father to son, the belief that the upheaval created by the white man can be stilled by incorporating into daily life the white man’s philosophy and using it against him. Waiyaki is told to “Learn all the wisdom and all the secrets of the white man. But do not follow his vices,” and later tries to establish education as the basis for the community’s self-reconciliation and simultaneous salvation.

More than anything else, it is the white man’s religion, Christianity, that exacerbates existing tensions within the community. There are those who reject it, like Chege; those who see it as a tool to achieve status, like Kabonyi; and those who become fervent believers, like the fanatical Joshua, a preacher from Makuyu so enraptured by it that he would disown his children for existing outside his narrow interpretation of its tenets.

We are not given a concrete reason for Joshua’s conversion, told only that he is consumed by his devotion and disconnected from the geography of the tribes. Life for Joshua is complete—except that it is not. The trouble with Joshua comes through in a description of his residence that demonstrates Ngugi’s narrative brilliance:

Joshua’s house was different. His was a tin-roofed rectangular building standing quite distinctly by itself on the ridge. The tin roof was already decaying and let in rain freely, so on top of the roof could be seen little scraps of sacking that covered the very bad parts.

The passage recalls the biblical parable of the man who built his house on sand. It does not take long for Joshua’s reality to cave in on itself: His second daughter, Muthoni, ignores his prohibition against the “sinful” practice of female circumcision. Her embrace of the tribal initiation ceremony that will make her a woman and the resulting rupture in her home and community make gender a subject of major conflict in the novel.

While not set at a particular time, The River Between maps loosely to the turmoil resulting from a 1929 decree by the Church of Scotland Mission prohibiting circumcised individuals from attending mission schools. The Church of Scotland Mission is represented in the novel by Reverend Livingstone, the sole white character given voice. Attending some of the dances on the eve of circumcision, he

was horrified beyond measure. The songs he heard and the actions he saw convinced him beyond any doubt that these people were immoral through and through. He was thoroughly nauseated and he never went to another such dance. Circumcision had to be rooted out if there was to be any hope of salvation for these people.

A wide swath of the community that Livingstone condemns stands in opposition to his thinking and finds a voice in the prophet Chege, who reflects: “Circumcision was the central rite in the Gikuyu way of life. Who had ever heard of a girl that was not circumcised? Who would ever pay cows and goats for such a girl? Certainly it would never be his son. Waiyaki would never betray the tribe.” Both female and male circumcision, as coming-of-age rites for the youth of Kameno and Mayku, play a central role in the novel, but it is female circumcision that is of greater consequence, because of its importance to the institution of marriage—a means of wealth transfer in almost every social group. The Church of Scotland Mission’s prohibition of circumcision amounted to a prohibition of tribal life and of the future itself.

Jomo Kenyatta, the first leader of Kenya, tried to explain the controversy over female circumcision in his anthropological study of Gikuyu culture, Facing Mount Kenya:

The real argument lies not in the defence of the surgical operation or its details, but in the understanding of a very important fact in the tribal psychology of the Gikuyu—namely, that this operation is still regarded as the very essence of an institution which has enormous educational, social, moral and religious implications, quite apart from the operation itself. For the present it is impossible for a member of the tribe to imagine an initiation without clitoridectomy. Therefore the abolition of the surgical element of this custom means to the Gikuyu the abolition of the whole institution.7

Today the practice is widely referred to as female genital mutilation, a term coined by its mostly Western and white opponents who have succeeded in framing the debate. What appears in the novel to be a full-throated defense of it seemingly puts Ngugi and his characters on the wrong side of history in a debate about female equality and autonomy, even though Ngugi is generally seen as progressive in his views of women as agents of change.8 But the discomfort we feel at the way the novel addresses the subject is part of a larger point Ngugi is making: that female circumcision, whether a primitive practice or an institutionalized custom, should be the subject of intratribal discussion, not prohibitive decree; that indeed conflict about tradition and culture can exist within a society.

Muthoni thinks there is a middle ground—that she can be true to her father’s interpretation of Christian faith while at the same time becoming through circumcision “a real girl, a real woman, knowing all the ways of the hills and ridges.” She offers her body as a locus of compromise for two competing worldviews, attempting to reconcile them, and to bring about a utopia, through simple force of will, unaware that most utopias can accommodate only one grand vision. The end result for her is dramatically unfavorable. For the scholar Apollo Amoko, Muthoni’s character makes sense only when she is seen “to repudiate shallow ill-conceived multiculturalism”9—in other words, when she is seen to resolve conflict without respect for the complexity of human relationships. This applies also to Waiyaki. In the wake of the controversy over Muthoni’s circumcision, Waiyaki single-mindedly pursues education as a means of uniting the communities of Kameno and Makuyu. It is an approach encouraged by his father’s insistence that he learn the white man’s ways, solidified by his time spent in missionary educational institutions, and finally unleashed by his self-aggrandizing (self-deluding?) belief that he is the savior his people have been waiting for.

Waiyaki becomes a powerful symbol for the community and a fixture in local politics. He finds himself in constant conflict with Kabonyi, who represents the older generation—in this case one without strong convictions or belief in the primacy of Gikuyu culture, and with greater interest in proving itself right, however opportunistically, than in improving the lot of its people. Waiyaki is elevated to a leadership position in the Kiama governing body, and he understands the Kiama’s importance as well as the source of his power within it—his Western education. What he fails to see are the limits of a Western education in effecting change. He is so confident that education will solve everything that he resigns from the Kiama to pursue the expansion of schools. Waiyaki’s ultimate fate owes itself to this dogged push for resolution to a conflict that has much deeper roots than he chooses to grasp.10

It is through Waiyaki that we see the question that animates Ngugi’s body of work: How can you possibly cure the disease with the disease itself? The ills of colonialism cannot be treated with the tools of colonialism. Ngugi pushes this idea further, suggesting that to assume that colonial tools can heal cultural rifts is to exhibit a lack of respect for indigenous cultures. When Waiyaki aggressively promotes education in a meeting with the Kiama, the community responds, “Will education give us back our land? Let him answer that.”


This slim book—which, as a first novel, begs to be underestimated compared to some of Ngugi’s later, longer works, such as Petals of Blood or Wizard of the Crow—is too important to take lightly. Although occasionally heavy-handed in its symbolism and perhaps too concerned with the formality of language, it has an undeniable power to deliver us from unhelpful binaries of pre- and postcolonialism and from simplistic solutions for emerging from the shadow of imperial rule. It takes its reader on a journey out of the colonial matrix and into the world of the real, showing us life reclaimed in all its complexity from the simplifying template of colonialism.

You can put this book down and return to the life you had before, or you can read it and see just how deep the rabbit hole is. Ngugi offers us a truth. Whether to seek it out and free your mind—that choice is yours.



1. Ngugi famously decided to stop writing fiction in English and instead to write in his native Gikuyu so that he could reach a more class-diverse audience. He continued to write criticism in English.

2. Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature (London: J. Currey, 1986), 3.

3. Ibid.

4. D. Venkat Rao, “A Conversation with Ngugi wa Thiong’o,” Research in African Literatures 30, no. 1 (1999): 164.

5. Carol Sicherman, “Ngugi’s Colonial Education: ‘The Subversion�.�.�. of the African Mind,’” African Studies Review 38, no. 3 (1995): 22.

6. Ibid., 30.

7. Jomo Kenyatta, Facing Mount Kenya: The Tribal Life of the Gikuyu (New York: Vintage Books, 1965), 128.

8. For an excellent consideration of Ngugi’s treatment of gender and sexuality in his novel Petals of Blood, see Bonnie Roos’s “Re-Historicizing the Conflicted Figure of Woman in Ngugi’s Petals of Blood,” Research in African Literatures 33, no. 2 (2002): 154–70.

9. Apollo O. Amoko, “The Resemblance of Colonial Mimicry: A Revisionary Reading of Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s The River Between,” Research in African Literatures 36, no. 1 (2005): 43.

10. Ibid., 41.

Most helpful customer reviews

50 of 51 people found the following review helpful.
A well-named novel
By P. Micocci
With every work of Ngugi's that I read, the more impressed I am. I first came across his "Petals of Blood" by chance in a used bookstore years ago, and ever since I've kept an eye open for other books of his. I admit that I've only read his novels, though; reading plays (as opposed to seeing them performed) for the most part doesn't move me nearly as much.

In "The River Between", Ngugi once again arrives at a viewpoint of tolerance while denouncing corruption in society; he manages to do so without demonizing the people on either side of any particular issue. He recognizes the strengths and weaknesses, the convictions and the doubts with which most human beings are imbued. He doesn't automatically blame all of his country's or his continent's problems on the "White Man", but rather he recognizes that the corruption and venality that continue to plague his society are things which are rooted in the universal human condition, not imports from Europe or the USA. He manages here to deal with a highly charged issue, as provocative and controversial now as it was at the time he wrote this book, namely "female circumcision" or "female genital mutilation", depending on your point of view. Almost uniquely, it seems, among Kenyan intellectuals he questions the absolute necessity of the practice to the maintenance of traditional social structure and values; but he does so while neither fervently condemning nor acclaiming it. As I've come to expect from Ngugi, he finds a road between extreme and fanatical stands - or a "river between", if you prefer; the protagonist attempts to make up his own mind rather than unquestioningly accepting received teaching about the absolute rightness or wrongness of either traditional practices or revolutionary knowledge. He recognizes that not all traditional practices are necessarily "better" or more "pure" than new ways of thinking, but that neither can they be eliminated by fiat without disastrous consequences for society, that education and time are necessary for peoples' thinking to evolve and for other values to be allowed to take the place of some of those that have been cherished since time immemorial. I confess that I was a little leery when I began reading this book; I feared that Ngugi would follow the line of so many other African writers in fervent support of female circumcision or FMG. That was the staunch rock of faith upon which I foundered when reading other books such as Jomo Kenyatta's "Facing Mount Kenya" and Camara Laye's "The African Child". I was suitably heartened to find that Ngugi once again finds his own mind, something I've come to see as the hallmark of his writing. But his protagonist doesn't arrive at the journey's destination by easy paths - I'm reminded of a line by the great singer-songwriter Silvio Rodriguez, that "la angustia es el precio de ser uno mismo" ("anguish is the price of being oneself").

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Important book from an important author
By An African Self Determinate
The River Between is a subtle tale that manages to comprehensively deal with a variety of themes including the challenge of leadership, the values of traditional heritage, the destructive nature of rejection of culture and finally, the multi faceted dimensions of the human personality.

As an African woman in the Diaspora, the writing of African writers from the Continent is a very important and an integral means of connecting with a heritage that I am routinely forced to ignore and misunderstand. This novel, amongst many other African novels, is an important tool in the re-education of the mind, forcing you to understand the dynamics of the many diverse African cultures as well as introducing you to the unique mode of storytelling that African writers illustrate so well, and Ngugi is a particularly accomplished story teller.

A River Between, although set amongst the Gikuyu, has lessons for all African people everywhere fighting for self-determination, survival and most importantly, global unity amongst African people. The way in which Ngugi deals with the issue of Female Circumsion is one that I have to respect. He does not simply demonise the practice but puts the practice into the context of tradition and heritage. Indeed, he highlights the perils of literally `white' washing African cultures through the character of Joshua who ultimately loses both his children.

One of the most memorable quotes for me occurs in Chapter 25 when Waiyaki thinks to himself about Joshua, the `white' man's horse:

"He had clothed himself with a religion decorates and smeared with everything white. He renounced his past and cut himself away from those life-giving traditions of the tribe. And because he had nothing to rest upon, something rich and firm on which to stand and grow, eh had to cling with his hands to whatever the missionaries taught him..."

Overall, River Between is a beautifully written story that illustrates the complimentary nature of duality or seemingly apparent opposites. It is subtle and yet bold; inspirational but also cautionary. Everything is intricately interwoven and you realise that all elements of life is steadfastly connected with each other, you can not successfully separate love from social responsibility, or heritage and legacy from the present and future.

14 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
A book that will live for ever!
By Fred
I re-read the river between for literature and I was just touched like I was at the very first time. The quality anthropology aspects that Mr wa Thiong'o builts in his books (like many other African writers too) makes the reader come into the setting and be part of it. The book managed to win my sympathy for the 'oppresed' Kikukyu and reminded me of the many evils done to the colonised people all over the world. Christianity seems not able to escape blame in the whole operation because of its readiness to inflict suffering to the people so that they could join the religion.
Today the book is still relevant, though the position of the whites has been taken by the ruling class and the rich.
The book is worth reading in any case.

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Selasa, 14 September 2010

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Upselling Techniques: That Really Work!, by Stephan Schiffman

In today's sales environment, upselling is more than a "nice extra" -- it's an integral part of your sales pitch and possibly built into your quotas. So how can you do your best to maximize this important area of your job? In Upselling Techniques (That Really Work!), America's # 1 corporate sales trainer Stephan Schiffman gives you a complete system for developing and executing successful upselling plans for new and existing accounts-without pushing the envelope too far.

This must-have guide includes time-tested strategies that will help you:

- Increase the size of your average sale; - Develop a unique strategic plan for important customers;

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Upselling Techniques (That Really Work!) is the only book you need to boost sales, build relationships, and increase your bottom line.

  • Sales Rank: #1195557 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2005-02-28
  • Released on: 2005-02-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Stephan Schiffman, America's #1 corporate sales trainer, is the author of dozens of bestselling books, including Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!), 5th Edition; and Closing Techniques (That Really Work!), 4th Edition. His clients include Aetna, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Boise Office Solutions, ChevronTexaco, Cox Communications, EMC, Federal Express, IBM, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, The New York Times, Sony, and Waste Management. He lives in New York, NY.

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
By Rolf Dobelli
Like many busy people who need to absorb or teach information in a hurry, Stephan Schiffman never met a bullet point he didn't like. Indeed, his staccato chapters depend on them like a fast food meal needs quick hits of French fries. You probably couldn't present a comprehensive sales training course without mentioning Schiffman, who's been a high-profile sales training leader for more than 20 years. Although his advice is as sound as ever, this book has an episodic structure that seems jumpy. However, the book is written for busy sales professionals, and Schiffman's first rule of sales is to know your audience. Sales executives and business travelers will find this an easy, useful read. Because of its business relevance, we heartily recommend this book to trainers, sales managers and those on the front lines looking for ways to make the most of every deal.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Upselling is more than a 'little extra' ...
By Thejaswi Muddarangegowda
The author has given some upselling plans for new and existing accounts in this book. The author talks right from what is upselling to the essential upselling priniciples. Some pointers are given for upselling over the phone and for a face-to-face interview with a cusotmer. If you have some free time this book is worth looking into.

Also recommended: 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople, 25 Most Common Sales Mistakes, The little red book of selling by Jeff Gitomer, Crossing the Chasm, Made in Japan, Marketing Warfare, The World is Flat, Salesmanship, Only the Paranoid Survive.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I really like this book I have read it twice since I ...
By Brandon McCrea
I really like this book I have read it twice since I purchased it. There is nothing special about it compared with other books on the subject. Though it is very succinct and to the point. If you work in any type of sales or even just customer service I would highly recommend it.

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Upselling Techniques: That Really Work!, by Stephan Schiffman PDF