Download Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington
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Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington
Download Java Programming - Step by Step Video Tutorial for Beginners, by Patrick Washington
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A 5 day - 40 hours class, edited so tight that what resulted was a 4 hour video. Every pause and time spent typing has been edited out. This is so that the viewer's mind does not wander. Every concept explained using small simple programs. Watch the sample on YouTube and you will know why this is the most popular Java training video in the market.
Learn Java & Object Oriented programming using this easy to follow, step-by-step video tutorial designed for fast learning.
This tutorial is aimed at beginners:
a) Planning a career in Java
b) College students in Java 101
c) High School students preparing for AP Computer Science A exam.
No prior programming experience required.
Most people find it difficult to listen in class or to lectures. This is not the fault of the student. TV and internet has made us tune out of listening to anything that does not visually stimulate and engage us.
This step by step java programming video tutorial is to fill that void. It is not only effective but is also time saving.
Concepts are explained using small programs in a refreshingly simple manner.
Chapter List
Chapter 1: Installation & setup 04:17
java 05:10
eclipse 07:14
Chapter 2: Java syntax & statements 08:49
first program 08:54
adding numbers 15:07
if-else 18:00
for loop 24:24
while loop 28:08
do while 31:20
and &&, or || 34:15
switch case 37:52
arrays 40.53
two dim array 48:41
String 54:30
Review 01:00:00
Exercise 01:06:21
Chapter 3: Class & Object 01:12:45
method returns a value 01:27:27
passing parameters & this keyword 01:31:44
constructor 01:36:30
Chapter 4: Object Oriented Programming 01:43:10
what makes OOP? 01:43:16
overloading 01:45:10
encapsulation & data hiding 01:48:36
Review 02:00:08
Chapter 05 : Sample project 02:05:13
Chapter 06 : Inheritance 02:32:16
polymorphism, overriding 02:35:30
abstract classes & methods 02:37:35
Interface 02:47:35
super keyword 02:53:39
static keyword 02:56:19
Review 03:03:31
Chapter 7 : Collections 03:08:34
ArrayList 03:08:38
HashMap 03:18:21
Revisit sample project 03:20:48
UML 03:24:18
Chapter 8 : Exceptions 03:26:58
try catch finally 03:27:02
throw & throws 03:35:20
Chapter 9 : Miscellaneous 03:40:38
variable arguments 03:40:43
final keyword 03:45:29
.jar files 03:48:26
Final review 03:52:00
Total running time: 4 hrs
- Sales Rank: #2120261 in Books
- Published on: 2013-02-24
- Binding: DVD-ROM
- 400 pages
Makes Java look so simple. - Harsha, USA
Simply fantastic ! fabulous ! mind blowing - Pamya, Japan
Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India
I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India
You are a better instructor than almost all of my college professors - Stephan J, USA
Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India
Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA
You are like an angel to all your students. In a simple way you've explained us such difficult and most confusing things. I always believe that teaching is a precious gift and only some lucky people have it - Hari, Australia
Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua
Excellent video!! Especially for a beginner like me. Wow! 'am so happy that i found your video. Keep up your good work Patrick. Ur way of narration-bringing in a steady flow throughout the tutorial. Easy to understand-line by line explanation. Excellent visual clarity - Prema, USA
I was searching for a nice tutorial the whole day and frankly i was losing any hope to find it but then i found your videos... U've got a real gift to explain kind of difficult things in a simple way, i mean i can't imagine a better way to explain that :) thank you very very much! God bless you! - Vaness, Russia
Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia
You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India
This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA
These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA
I would have never started hands on without your videos. - user, USA
These videos are very impressive. It clarifies much more in short time. You have excellent explaining capabilities. Keep up the good work. - Bangash, Belgium
It's an amazing tutorial i haven't seen any thing like this - Anurag, India --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author
Best educational videos that i have seen on youtube. Excellent Job. Keep up the good work. - Mustapha, USA
I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India
Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India
Cheers to the best teacher ever! - Mehdi, Morocco
Super tutorial i am completely new. It helped me a lot. Thank u so much. - Seban, India
Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India
Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA
You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India
I was getting frustrated with the tutorials I've come across, now I am glad that I've found your videos, they are very helpful. Well done! - Serra, UK
This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA
These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA
Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia
Great stuff. Awesome teaching skills. I am really impressed. Waiting for more videos - Praveen, India
Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua
This is the best tutorial i have come across. Thanks!! - Shaikh, UAE
I just wanna thank you for your fantastic video training. I recommended 'em to my friends. - Ajay P, India
Very interesting tutorial ,thanks a lot! your videos are much better than many books - Haamine, Algeria
This is really a great tutorial --Co --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author
Best educational videos that i have seen on youtube. Excellent Job. Keep up the good work. - Mustapha, USA
I prefer to go through your video tutorials first than reading a book. Makes it very easy and interesting to grasp new technologies. - Sanket M , India
Will recommend to all beginners - Pawan Kumar, India
Cheers to the best teacher ever! - Mehdi, Morocco
Super tutorial i am completely new. It helped me a lot. Thank u so much. - Seban, India
Explained with surprising simplicity. - Raul, India
Excellent work and very detailed, - Vinod, USA
You nailed it. Thanks for spoon feeding. Very nice tutorial. - Harish K, India
I was getting frustrated with the tutorials I've come across, now I am glad that I've found your videos, they are very helpful. Well done! - Serra, UK
This is really awesome.Thanks for making a complex subject easy. - Nagendra, USA
These are the best tutorials I've seen. Each step is explained perfectly. - User, USA
Wow! It's definitely the best step-by-step tutorial I've ever seen! Thank you for your great work! - Diost, Estonia
Great stuff. Awesome teaching skills. I am really impressed. Waiting for more videos - Praveen, India
Wow, amazing, awesome videos. The best for newbies like me.Thank you very much! - Dev, Nicaragua
This is the best tutorial i have come across. Thanks!! - Shaikh, UAE
I just wanna thank you for your fantastic video training. I recommended 'em to my friends. - Ajay P, India
Very interesting tutorial ,thanks a lot! your videos are much better than many books - Haamine, Algeria
This is really a great tutorial. Thank a lot. - Bulen, Canada
These videos are very impressive. It clarifies much more in short time. You have excellent explaining capabilities. Keep up the good work. - Bangash, Belgium
I would have never started hands on without your videos. - user, USA
Your contribution to programming world is extraordinary. I learnt it so well. I felt as if I was in a classroom and you are teaching me one - to - one. - Utpal, USA
Great tutorial, made my work easy. - Monu, USA
Explanation of all concepts are excellent. - Sanjiv, USA
Thanks boss!!! you are genius. - Rakesh, India
You really did a great job, I love this tutorial! - Caedium, Italy
Great Tutorials. Thank you - sser, Germany
Excellent! Thanks! - Varun, Singapore
--Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author
The best video-tutorial. - Laura, Germany
Makes Java look so simple. - Harsha, USA
Simply fantastic ! fabulous ! mind blowing - Pamya, Japan
It's an amazing tutorial i haven't seen any thing like this - Anurag, India
You're awesome man. best teacher ever! - Francisco, Portugal
Wow--they're great. As a former teacher of computer science, I'm very impressed with your teaching - Adam G, USA
The teaching mode which you have choosen is really good and understandable.I have never attend a presentation like yours. - Mano
Unique videos, you have GREAT skills to teach! - user, Bahamas
you are a great teacher, thank you so much. - user, Peru
Simple, easy and effective method of teaching, - Abdollah , Egypt --Comments and online reviews found on the youtube channel of the author
About the Author
(From the Author)
I finished mechanical engineering, but decided to pursue computers due to better job opportunities. But the transition was anything but smooth. It took me a long time just to get a hang of object oriented programming. I took the help of many instructors, but to no avail. I finally figured it out using innumerable boring books, and I wished they had taught me differently, saving me all that time and frustration. I just thought I will save you some time! Hope you like it!
I first came into prominence due to my free Java hibernate videos on youtube. It is considered the number one online video learning resource for hibernate.
I have been working as a Java developer for around 14 years and 'am currently into corporate training. I teach Java, Spring framework, Hibernate, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Entity framework and a few other things.
My Philosophy to teaching is to keep it simple, straight forward and clear step by step instructions.
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Best Way to Learn Java, hands down!
By daphoenix
I had originally heard about Patrick's Java Tutorials when I was reading through comments on other Amazon purchases I made for books in C++ and Java. I wanted to learn Java on my own before starting graduate school, and my previous programming experience was limited primarily to FORTRAN I took 2 years ago, which to say has gotten rusty.
I bought 2 books in Java, Herbert Schildt's "Java, A beginner's guide, 5th edition" and "Head First's Java programming" by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. Schildt's textbook felt like the run of the mill textbook that professors would have me read in advanced engineering courses - Dry and boring. It had a fairly difficult learning curve, since it throw out complex terminology at the very start of the book, and expected you to know those terms by heart, since each concept reinforced itself in subsequent chapters. I seriously didn't want to bother reading a book that felt more like a PhD's dissertation, so I scrapped it.
In comes "Head First's Java" programming, touted as one of the best Java books in the market today. I've read through approximately 150 pages of the book, and I can see why its been rated so high. It uses a completely different learning approach, by using pictures, stories, "interviews with the compiler", puzzles, crosswords, etc. to teach the subject. It has worked for the most part(I am able to do all of the difficult puzzles so far), however the following issues arise:
1. When reading a subject about programming, understanding the context of how a passage is written slows down my comprehension rate. Since Head First throws out so many different formats when teaching a topic, my mind tends to have a very hard time interpreting the exact meaning of what is being taught for each context. This tremendously slows down my learning rate, and frustrates me to no ends at times
2. Head First's Java is so unconventionally organized, that you simply cannot reference back to it when you need to (i.e. at the end of the chapters). This really hurts me when I spend a week not doing any java, and then attempt to refresh myself. Also this book made a poor reference in the future, unless you take notes on a book separately...(even then it misses some Java essentials)
3. Head First Java is a book (and any book for that matter), so its limited in its teaching ability as opposed to a video, which offers audio and visual aids to enhance learning.
In comes Patricks's Java Tutorials. I spent a good number of hours (30+ hours) on and off reading Head First's Java program, and was competent enough to grasp how a battleship game program was made. I decided to try Patrick's Videos, which is a 4 hour video tutorial (to which I've already viewed 2 hours), and I can confidentally say that following:
1. I learned more in 5 hours over 2 days (pausing/taking GOOD reference notes for the future/writing code/quizzing myself/reviewing notes/etc, aka 2 hours of the video) than the 30+ hours I spent frustrating myself over Head First's Java book or any other programming book in C++ for that matter.
2. I actually learned the concepts correctly the first time around, and did not have to waste time trying to understand the context of what was being taught. Patrick explains everything concisely and perfectly, with 0 downtime between concept transitions (meaning you have to pause a lot! lots of good condensed information. No um, uhs, obvious filler messages, "let me open this page...wait while its loading", etc. that you see in low quality YouTube video tutorials). And he even does a 2-3 minute overview of all the concepts learned at the end of every hour. He also gives you exercises / projects for you to test your knowledge before he explains it.
Some of the others pros I can say about Patrick's videos:
1. You learn eclipse, an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), while you watch his tutorial. Using the command prompt / Notepad++(or Vim) text editor wasted so much of my time with Head First's Java programming. The IDE greatly reduced the time to do mundane tasks.
2. You can test run his video tutorial (first 1.5 hours FREE, no registration needed) yourself if your skeptical! It was rated as the #1 Java Tutorial on YouTube.
patrickvideo(dot) com or (dot) com/watch?v=3u1fu6f8Hto
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